Drew University students combine real-world experiences with rigorous academics, supported by mentors in a vibrant community. Located on a beautiful, wooded campus in Madison, New Jersey, a thriving small town only 30 miles from New York City. Students complete at least two fully immersive, resume-ready experiences like internships, high-level research, study abroad, NYC-based programs, and volunteer work preparing them for graduate school or to jump start a career.
At Drew, you’ll find your purpose, make your plan, and propel yourself into a brilliant future.
Since 1901, Southwestern Oklahoma State University (SWOSU) has proudly stood on the hilltop in Weatherford, Oklahoma. Offering over 100 affordable undergraduate and graduate programs across three locations in Weatherford, Sayre, and Yukon, SWOSU provides a diverse range of academic opportunities with high-quality education to its students. The university boasts a vibrant community of over 5,000 scholars and over 200 dedicated faculty and staff. With strong academic programs and a commitment to excellence, SWOSU continues to be a top choice for students seeking a quality education.