Unmatched Support with Crista
Segment #7 from Our Lady of the Lake University
Let’s meet Crista, a senior majoring in biology with double minors in chemistry and forensic science from right here in San Antonio, Texas. She’s a first generation student with a unique story about her journey to OLLU. Crista, tell us all about what made you choose OLLU. Take it away.
– Thanks, Alex. I have a long history with Our Lady of the Lake University. As a young girl, I lived four minutes away, passing by the beautiful campus daily and dreaming of attending, but way before that, my mother had been accepted but couldn’t attend because she became pregnant with me. With online programs not available at the time, she worked full-time to support us and never got the chance to return. Now years later, here I am at OLLU, fulfilling both my dream and my mother’s. OLLU has exceeded my expectations and provided a transformative experience. I’m a first generation student, a Latina changing my family’s dynamic and creating a new legacy. Here at OLLU, I am thriving academically and spiritually. As a biology major, I spend a lot of time in labs, which has been both an invaluable and rewarding experience. I’ve also been blessed with wonderful professors who provide excellent instruction and guidance. They know me by name and are easily accessible. I’ve also been blessed with great friends who, like me, enjoy visiting the grotto, attending mass, and learning in the labs. The university has been very generous, providing everything from financial support to meals during finals. The help I’ve received from everyone, faculty, students, and staff has made this higher education journey more than special. It’s been magical. My love for science has intensified to the point where I plan to pursue a master’s degree in biology after I graduate. I hope my accomplishments and journey inspires others, just like I was inspired to attend OLLU as a little girl. I think back to 5-year-old me looking at the great big buildings that resembled a castle. And now, inside those castle walls, I found the home. That’s all for now. Back at ya, Alex.
– Wow, Crista, it’s amazing that you’ve been dreaming of attending OLLU since you were little, and look at you now, pursuing a degree in science. Thank you for sharing both you and your family’s story, and good luck with your master’s degree. We know you’ll do great. Take care.