Jefferson Hall (with Emily Kline)

Dorm Tour #4 from Ohio University

We love to paint and color. So these are some of the paintings that we have done. We’ve gone to, like, a Bob Ross painting activity…

Hello, my name is Emily Kline. I am a freshman here at Ohio University. I currently live in a triple renovated room here at Jefferson Hall, and I’m going to give you a little room tour.

So here’s a little overview of the room here at Jefferson Hall. We have four floors on the bottom floor. We have a grocery market. We have two cafes and a deli market. We also have a little thing called (indistinct), It’s where they have like little study rooms, a mail room. I like to go there sometimes to do some homework.

And each floor has its own little lobby that we like to do homework there as well. The fourth floor has a kitchen that we like to go there and cook and make dinners and eat together and stuff. It kind of just helps us relieve stress in that kind of way. And each floor also has its own laundry, which I think is very convenient and very nice.

So when you walk into the room, we have our first closet up above us. We can just use her storage for like food and stuff. Here we have a little shelf that we put behind our microwave and our mini fridge. We each have our own individual basket for food that we like to keep to ourselves. And then we have a communal basket up here for food that we are willing to share with the rest of the room as we move along.

We have my two other roommates. This is the first bed is kind of like a mid loft for storage down below, just because it is kind of like a tighter space. As we move along, we can see that we have some picture frames. We want it to make the room feel more cozy. She has a little collage right above her bed with pictures of her family and her animals and stuff that makes her feel more comfortable.

We love to paint and color, so these are some of the paintings that we have done. We’ve gone to, like, a Bob Ross painting activity. We did some clay activity at Baker and we just kind of have little paintings to make the room feel more cozy. Here is where she does her homework and she gets ready. Here. She has a little vanity.

She just hangs out here sometimes, Facetimes her friends, stuff like that. This is the next desk. She also gets ready here. She loves to do her little skincare with her mirror and she just gets ready, does homework, everything like that. Right here we have a bunk bed with triple. You would most likely see bunk bed. I am on the bottom and my other roommate is on the top.

We have some more room for storage down below as well. Lots of places for storage in these rooms. I have all of my stuffed animals and my blankets. I love nature and stuff, so I have this little vines with little leaves, and she has her personal things on top of her bed as well. Right next to my bed.

I kind of use this as like a bedside table and desk. I get ready, I study, I do homework, everything like that. I have little plants around and some like picture frames and little Lego set just makes my space feel more like at home, more comfortable. As we move over here, we have our kind of like communal space and area.

So right here we have our Brita, which we take turns filling up. We have a little coffee coffee cart or what’s the word? A little coffee station. We have some tea back here too. That’s set up on ice. We have another one of our paintings. We have an ice machine, which we also take turns making ice and filling it up and stuff.

And then we have a little Christmas tree and little Christmas lights just to decorate for the holiday that we celebrate together. Up above, I have my little Starbucks cups that I like to collect. My roommate, she loves doing nails. She does nails for everybody. And so she keeps all of her nail stuff up there. Over here, we have more decoration.

She has a little collage of pictures of her and her boyfriend. There’s some cactuses that she likes to paint and stuff. We have little spiders hidden in here. It’s just something fun that we liked to do. We have this cute little painting that we all liked, and we have this inspirational quote that just keeps us positive and stuff.

We have our mirror, and then over here is what we use every single day. We redo this every week. We kind of take turns going who gets to decorate and stuff, but it just lets us know what our roommates are doing and keeps us in check for what we have to do that week. And we just think it is very informative and very helpful.

So that is an overview of our room. Thank you so much for coming along to this tour.

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