All right, everyone, let’s meet Glory. She’s a junior from Pittsburgh, Texas. She’s studying kinesiology with a focus on sports psychology, so she understands the importance of mind body connection and the balance required to hold multiple roles. Over to you, Glory.
– Thanks, Alex. Hey, guys. From the moment I arrived at LeTourneau, I knew it was something special. The strong and vibrant atmosphere is what makes LETU not just a university, but a second home to so many. LeTourneau is a community where spiritual growth isn’t just a habit. It’s a practice woven into the fabric of our daily lives. One of my favorite ways to engage in this community is my involvement in the chapel band. ♪ Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe ♪ ♪ We live for you ♪ ♪ We live for you ♪ I get the honor of working alongside brothers and sisters in Christ who are pushing each other daily to deepen their connection with God in the form of music. There is something so profound about coming together to lead worship, share in moments of spiritual growth, and connect with fellow believers. I’ve had so many opportunities here in the kinesiology department, including a study abroad program, the chance to present my research at national conferences, and the opportunity to engage in undergraduate research, particularly in emerging areas like virtual reality, where one of a kind research is being done on the effects of how it can be used to help athletes train. These experiences have been instrumental in giving me real-world skills that will carry me on into my future career. This fall, I’m excited to take on the new role as a resident assistant, and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to give back to my community. It is a chance for me to share my experiences with others by helping them feel at home and engaged in their own journey here at LETU. The relationship between sports psychology and my involvement on the worship band has been a beautiful blend of intellectual and spiritual growth that has made my time here so fulfilling. That’s all for now. Back to you, Alex.
– Thank you, Glory. We can tell you really feel that meaningful connection. Thank you for sharing with us how students can balance their career prep with their passions and interests.
Jordan comes to LeTourneau from New Braunfels, Texas and his love for his university runs deep. Speaking of running, he covers a lot of ground, both as captain of the men’s soccer team and also pursuing his degree in civil engineering. That’s right, athletics and engineering. Tell us all about it, Jordan, take it away.
– Hey, thanks, Alex. What is good, College Tour? Ever since I was young, I dreamed about studying engineering at a big Texas school. Now I’m playing the sport that I love while also studying to become a civil engineer. At LeTourneau, hands-on Learning is highly valued and that means undergrads like me get to jump straight into what it means to be an engineer. Our engineering program is phenomenal. Not only do I get to dig into work, but I’m also involved in courses and lab experiments that prepare me for the real world. Along with learning from amazing professors, our athletic program is filled with all different kinds of personalities. This is especially true on the men’s soccer team. With a young coach and roster, we are learning what it means to be a successful program. We strive to pursue excellence on and off the pitch. Not only are we able to pursue athletics while being students, the athletic department helps us grow in our faith. This is very meaningful to me and vital to the continued development of my faith. One of the core values of LeTourneau Athletics is cultivating disciples, and honestly, this is seen all over campus. I’m consistently poured into by my professors, coaches, and teammates. As I head into my last semester here at LeTourneau, I’m still striving to become the better version of myself. I’ve learned so much and excited to take it into my already secured full-time job at the leading Silva Engineering company in the nation. I’m super grateful and blessed to call LeTourneau home, and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for this school and my career. Kicking it back to you, Alex.
– Nice one, Jordan. We love hearing about how the highly applied career preparation is not keeping students from pursuing their additional interests and athletic pursuits. Good luck in your career, and thank you for sharing your story.
Let’s get to know Bethany, a native Californian, who’s made LeTourneau and Longview her home. She’s a senior nursing major with a minor in psychology, so it’s no surprise, compassionate care is her calling. Take it away, Bethany.
– Thanks, Alex. Hey, everyone. I felt a calling to go into nursing and I knew I wanted to learn from professors, who were going to support and encourage me. I found that here at LeTourneau University. Here, I am equipped to fulfill that calling. I transferred to LeTourneau as a junior and was nervous that I would have a hard time fitting in and making connections. From the time I visited campus, everyone made me feel so welcomed and involved. I have made some amazing friendships and have grown both spiritually and as a nursing student. The nursing program has allowed me to get a hands-on approach to learning, and with our new lab building and equipment, I’ve had so much experience already that I know will help me in my career. With the smaller class sizes at LeTourneau, I’ve gotten to know both my classmates and my professors on a personal level. There is such a strong sense of community here. There are plenty of activities happening on campus, like sports events, school-wide chapel, and tons of clubs. I’m part of the Nurses Association and Nurses Christian Fellowship. Both of these clubs offer even more opportunities for me to be involved and to serve my community. The nursing program at LeTourneau has set me up to be a successful, compassionate, and capable nurse. I’ve had the opportunity to work as a nurse extern in a local hospital, where I’ve gained real-life experience. LeTourneau University has been fundamental to me fulfilling the calling I feel towards nursing, and I’m so excited for the opportunities to come. I gotta get back to my patients now. Back to you, Alex.
– That’s the best, Bethany. It sounds like you’re already making a difference with patients in east Texas on your way to fulfilling that calling of yours. Appreciate you sharing your story, that was great.
The world of aviation needs many new skilled pilots and aircraft mechanics. Kylar from Bethany, Oklahoma is one of the many students that make up the record breaking enrollment of LeTourneau University’s aviation and aeronautical science programs. Kylar is passionate about people and about flying and fixing planes. Kylar, you are on.
– Appreciate it, Alex. What’s going on, y’all? As a senior in high school, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do in college or even where I wanted to go, but after extensive prayer and watching “Top Gun,” I decided that aviation could be the career for me. Finding LeTourneau, a nationally-recognized Christian school with an elite level flight program was an answer to prayer at the perfect time. As a professional flight major, all my classes either help me to fly an airplane or learn how they work. I spend a lot of time at the Abbott Aviation Center. We have over 20 planes available for flight training and many other plane for maintenance training. We also have FAA-approved simulators used for flight practicing and training for different types of situations. Outside of flight training, my studies include a wide range of courses that develop me as a professional and deepen my faith. I like to think of my assignments not as a chore, but as an opportunity to grow in my walk with God and knowledge of the gospel. During my time at LeTourneau, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to serve my fellow students by being on the worship team and a resident assistant for my floor. I learn a lot by serving the people around me, and I really enjoy that. LeTourneau has deepened my faith more than I ever thought possible in only two years. Here, we are taught that you don’t have to go overseas to be missionary, but that it can be done every workplace and in every nation. What’s next for me? Well, I’m considering either the commercial airlines or the missions field somewhere in South America. That’s it for me, adios, y’all. Back to you, Goose. I mean, Alex.
– Thank you, Kylar, or should we say, Maverick. What an incredible experience that you’re receiving training at such a comprehensive aviation program that is still so close-knit and intentional about relationships. Looks like it’s smooth sailing from here, we’ll see you in the sky. Thanks again, Kylar.
Let’s meet Kaisen, a junior business major from Van, Texas. Kaisen carries on the legacy of the university founder’s blend of entrepreneurship and innovation. As business owners, R.G. and Evelyn LeTourneau believed in the value of real-world experience informed by faith. Students like Kaisen are still pursuing that blend. Tell us all about it, Kaisen.
– Thanks for that intro, Alex. Howdy, everyone. Growing up, I never knew what I truly wanted to do. LeTourneau was one of the only three schools that I applied to. I felt called to be here for both academics and athletics. Shout out, baseball. So I chose to pursue a degree in business. Choosing LeTourneau truly was the best choice. Making the decision to be a part of the school business has completely changed my life and allowed me to build new relationships with my peers, and especially with my mentors. These mentors give us students an open ear to listen to our personal life as well as our educational career. I have learned so much through the hands-on experiences we have here, including starting a real business with my classmates. Our business sells a card game invented by a math professor here that introduces higher math principles in a way that even elementary age kids can understand. These sorts of opportunities have helped me feel more prepared as I get out into the real world. I also love connecting with friends through events put on by YAC, or our YellowJacket Activity Council. They have events like painting nights and pickleball tournaments, which I really love ’cause I’m able to play sports, but it’s also just a great way to unwind on a Friday night. I’m excited for my future as a business owner. I feel fully prepared to lead my company through all the lessons I’ve learned here at LeTourneau, all left by R.G.’s legacy. That’s just a little piece of my story. Back to you, Alex.
– That’s awesome, Kaisen. Wow, starting your own business while in college sounds like an entrepreneur to me. Fun fact, as industrialists and entrepreneurs, R.G. and Evelyn LeTourneau’s company provided 70% of the large earth moving machinery used by the Allied Forces in World War II. Incredible. Thanks for sharing your amazing story, Kaisen, take care.
Okay, let’s hear from Sadie, majoring in mathematics with a teaching certification. Sadie is from Plano, Texas. She loves the intentional integration of so many aspects to her student experience. She applies herself as an honor student and also as an avid member of campus activities. Sadie, the floor is yours.
– Thanks, Alex. Hey, everyone. Growing up, I love spending my time learning math, leading bible studies, and playing varsity volleyball. When I was looking for college, I wanted a place where I could not only excel academically, but also connect with others who share my passions. Thanks to my time at LeTourneau, I’ve been able to deepen these passions in a genuine Christian community. I love being a part of a vibrant campus life here, especially through intramural sports. Last year, I competed in eight different sports. One of my favorite nights was when our championship volleyball game was between two teams from the Honors dorm and a bunch of our friends came out to watch and support us. These events bring us all together in helping building a strong bond. Beyond sports, there’s always something happening on campus. From weekly student-led prayer and worship to ice cream from student senate, there’s a sense of community that points us closer to Jesus and to each other. Living in the Honors dorm has been such a blessing. As I pursue my degree alongside my peers, I found that my friendships and support here are truly special, and have made my college experience unforgettable. LeTourneau’s holistic approach to student life is critical when balancing rigorous academic workloads. They see value in providing opportunities for us to build relationships in and outside of dorm life with a wide range of things to be involved in. As I look to the future as an educator, I will take the well-rounded experience I’ve had here into my future classrooms. My time at LeTourneau has prepared me to seek genuine community and connection anywhere I go, with some fun along the way. That’s my story, back to you, Alex.
– Thanks for that, Sadie. We don’t know how you have the energy for all of that, but we are inspired by your drive to bring people together through all the activities that you are involved with. Keep it up, Sadie, and take care.
Isabella is a sophomore from Long Beach, California, studying mechanical engineering. Being an engineer at LeTourneau means pursuing the intentional intersection of relational and technical, informed by faith. In other words, being T-shaped. What exactly does that look like? Isabella can help us with that, take it away.
– Thanks, Alex. Hi, everyone. My time is captain of my high school robotics team solidified my decision to study mechanical engineering. While moving across the country was a difficult choice, LeTourneau University offered me the hands-on polytechnic education that I desired along with the close-knit community that I craved as a city girl. The relationships I have developed with both students and faculty, not only contribute to my sense of belonging at LeTourneau, but aid my future. Engineering is a lot more than just calculations or problem solving, it’s working with different types of people and learning how to effectively communicate. I have the unique opportunity to practice these skills through my job as a peer advisor. I’m able to mentor the mechanical engineering freshman on how to become efficient college students and organize events to help grow an already flourishing community. One of the goals of this incredible institution is to prepare students for the workforce from day one. Most of my professors have worked as professional engineers, so they provide very practical advice that you wouldn’t find in a lab manual or a textbook. In addition to amazing professors, LeTourneau has very interactive labs, designed to challenge students and encourage collaboration. Classes such as engineering project management provide students the opportunity to work together on a semester-long project that utilizes the different aspects of engineering. At LeTourneau, students can practice different scenarios that mimic the workforce. You’ll be trained by incredible faculty and make lifelong friendships. Like me, many students come to LeTourneau for the technical education, but they stay for the relationships built and sustained, both inside and outside the classroom. I am proud to be a leader in my community, thanks to the impressive training, life, and culture at LeTourneau. That’s my story, back to you, Alex.
– Those labs look amazing and how cool that you get to do all of that even as an underclassman. We can see why you would come all the way from the West Coast to find this type of environment and training. Take care, Isabella.
We can’t wait for you all to meet Sammy. As a professional flight major, Sammy was so drawn to the aviation program here that he came all the way from Seoul, South Korea. Feeling the call to the aviation industry, Sammy is specifically thankful for the approach to mentorship and instruction that the faculty take here as they model character first, professionalism, and aviation excellence. Take us up and away, Sammy, you are on.
– Thanks, Alex. Growing up, I did not know what I wanted to study. All I knew was that I wanted a school that would support my future and lead me to right career. I’m from South Korea and China, so looking for schools in the U.S. was a challenge. Luckily, I found LeTourneau University and discovered my path in aviation. LeTourneau has an amazing hands-on aviation program that keeps growing. I was able to get my very own instructor and start flying right away. Even after a rough flight, I could always come back to the airport and use the flight simulators to improve my skill or maneuver that was struggling with. I’ve been able to improve my flight skills and get close with my friends and professors, thanks to the time I spend at the Abbott Aviation Center. My instructors are always willing to provide insight on how I can improve my flights. Flying never gets old to me and I still cannot believe that I can fly these heavy metal things by myself. The professors and instructors always make sure that I’m doing well physically, mentally, most importantly, spiritually. Every class here at LeTourneau starts with a short devotional and prayer, which helps me to grow spiritually and stay focused on following Jesus. Aviation is not the only area of LeTourneau that keeps evolving, our international student population is growing every semester. LeTourneau welcomes people from all over the world. The student body is incredibly hospitable to international students and helps them feel right at home. I find great joy and meaning through my involvement with international community, and I look forward to see it grow even more. That’s my story, take it right, Alex.
– What a ride. Thank you, Sammy, and best of luck as you pursue your career in aviation. The world definitely needs more pilots like you, and that aviation center is something we need more of. What a cool facility. Thanks again, Sammy.
Gracie is a sophomore at LeTourneau from Pittsburgh, Texas. She’s studying computer science with a concentration in game development, and she also loves working with media and video post production. Her greatest passion, however, is the close community that takes place in the dorms here. Tell us all about it, Gracie.
– Thanks for the introduction, Alex. Hey, y’all. When I was deciding on a college, having a strong sense of community was one of my top priorities, and LeTourneau truly provides that. Community is more than just a word. It’s an experience that transforms daily life on campus. LeTourneau has equipped me with more than just the technical skills I need as a computer science major. I’ve been able to gain a deep understanding of my field and learn how to blend my passions into practical applications. Beyond academics, my experience as a spiritual life assistant has taught me valuable leadership and mentoring skills. As an SLA, I’ve had the privilege of walking alongside my peers, leading devotionals, and creating a space, where we can all grow together spiritually. Alongside that, the caring faculty here have also played a vital role in making LeTourneau feel like home, as I have been able to turn to them countless times for support both academically and personally. LeTourneau’s vibrant campus life is full of opportunities to connect and engage. The dorms provide a welcoming environment, where students find comfort in being surrounded by peers who share similar interests. It’s also reassuring to know that there are always people who care, making it easy to build meaningful relationships and really be myself. The ease of making friends here is something that truly sets LeTourneau apart. Whether it’s through joint devotionals with our Brother Four or campus-wide worship nights, there are countless opportunities to connect with others. This campus has become more than a place for me to study. It has truly become a place where I feel at home. I’m so excited to carry forward everything I’ve learned here, helping others as I step into the world. That’s all for me. Back to you, Alex.
– Love it, Gracie. What a great environment to live and learn together in community. We’re definitely gonna keep an eye out for the computer programs and systems you develop in the future. Take care, Gracie.
Let’s hear from Kaleb from Yuba City, California. He’s studying mechatronics and math, and has a major thing for the one-of-a-kind way LeTourneau does tradition. This campus culture is clearly all about striking a balance of awesome career prep and unparalleled connection, right, Kaleb? You are up.
– Thanks, Alex. What’s up, guys? I knew I wanted to be an engineer since I was five years old and saw the movie “Meet the Robinsons” for the first time. It was never a question of if, but where and how. God showed me the answers through LeTourneau University. The day I stepped foot on LeTourneau’s campus, I knew I would end up here. I discovered an incredible community of students and professors committed to learning, teaching, and living for the glory of God. One of my favorite parts about campus culture, traditions. LeTourneau traditions are fun and wacky. Some are new and some have been around for decades. We start the year off by competing for a spray painted cow skull at the legendary Silver Steer competition. During the semester, we play campus-wide golf with tennis balls and host a trick or treat event for the local community. We also perform funny skits during Hootenanny, our annual talent show. Turn all of campus into a NERF zombie apocalypse and of course, toss people into the campus pond on their birthday. By the end of the semester, it’s hard not to have made lasting memories and lifelong friends. Life at LeTourneau isn’t just about the silly stuff either. I often find myself reaching out to my professors for mentorship and wisdom, in addition to academic help. There have also been many late nights spent in my room having theological discussions with the guys in my dorm. This combination of fun traditions, caring professors, and strong community creates a college experience that builds lasting relationships, a love for learning, and a heart for service. The LeTourneau community is like a second family to me. I love my university and I’m proud to be LeTourneau built. Well, it’s not my birthday, but just so you can see how it’s done, throwing it back to you, Alex.
– Talk about memorable experiences. We think we heard that splash from here. This guy’s a serious student having some serious fun. Maybe we’ll come back for the college tour’s next birthday. Now someone get him a towel. Thanks again, Kaleb.