
Segment #5 from Northwest Florida State College


Let’s catch up with Yvonne, a dual enrolled student at NWFSC, who’s about to earn her high school diploma as well as an Associate of Arts degree. She’s here to give us a rundown of the college’s academic offerings from A to Z. Take it away, Yvonne.

– Thanks, Alex. Hello, everyone. In 2021, I moved from Tennessee to Florida, and had to find a new high school. After much research, I decided to attend the Collegiate High School at NWFSC. I’m now earning my Associate of Arts degree and my high school diploma through dual enrollment. As a CHS student, I’ve been able to receive excellent education for free because of NWFSC’s dedication to providing all students with the resources needed to support the learning environment. My hard work has helped me to maintain my 4.0 GPA and to be on the NWFSC President’s List for the past three semesters. I would not have been able to make these great grades without the help of the teachers at the college. The teachers and tutors are always willing to help you, and truly want you to succeed. The Zoghby Learning Commons offers free tutoring and other resources for students at the college. The teachers have helped me to enjoy my college experience by making learning fun and engaging. Along with attending college classes, I have also been given the opportunity to participate in events and extracurriculars, such as the Sigma Mu chapter of Phi Theta Kappa and International Honor Society, and the National Society of Leadership and Success. Being a dual enrolled student helped me to become accustomed to college life by earning my Associate of Arts degree and realizing my passion for the mental healthcare field. In addition, my time at NWFSC taught me that a college education does not only consist of taking the required classes for a particular career field. It also consists of learning how to optimize your time and developing meaningful relationships with faculty and staff. Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to share more about the Collegiate High School at NWFSC and its dual enrollment program. Back to you, Alex.

– Awesome job, Yvonne. Thank you for sharing your academic experience with us. NWFSC offers so many resources to make sure all of its students succeed and exceed their academic potential. Thanks again, Yvonne.

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