Athletic Camaraderie and Academic Excellence

Segment #3 from Adams State University


Coleton is a junior majoring in biology and chemistry, and he’s found a place at Adams State on the swim team as well as helping tutor other students. And he knows the diversity at Adams State makes things better for all who attend. Tell us more, Coleton.


– Thanks for the introduction, Alex. Hi, everyone. When I was growing up, education and swimming were my most important priorities. Inspired by both of these, I was driven to become a biologist. Lucky for me, Adams State University not only has a very dedicated STEM department which provides undergraduate research on their courses, but also a men’s swim team that I wanted to be a part of. For me, swimming and science are quite often linked. Swimming here has opened unique connections with many driven people. In Plachy Hall, there are personalized weight-training coaches for each sport, along with a multitude of athletic trainers who have your best interest at heart. Then there’s a whole team saying your name as you finish the last lap or simply playing games on long rides to competitions. This connection even carries through to academics, where more often than not, you’re studying with a fellow teammate with a similar major. In the pursuit of my majors, I have found that Adams State has numerous resources, such as tutoring, mentoring, and the STEM Center that assists students in making sure we all succeed. As a double major and an athlete, I can testify needing some help here and there. I’ve even helped other students as a tutor and a mentor. Along with that, Adams State’s commitment to serve underrepresented minorities and first-generation students is allowed for appreciation of diversity here on campus. I see how each person is treated with respect, inclusion, and how each person has equal opportunity to grow and advance. With the numerous resources here for every student, including student athletes, I am well prepared for my future career. I’ve been able to explore the endless avenues of biology while still be inspired to swim with the supportive community of athletes. I’m gonna go swim a few laps, but I’ll see you guys around. Back to you, Alex.


– Resources to help out in your academic career are major here at Adams State. Coleton, that was fantastic. Thanks again for sharing your story.

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