
Segment #4 from Carson-Newman University


Okay, everyone, let’s move over to Burke-Tarr Stadium, where our next student and his teammates take to the field every Saturday in the fall. For Jesse, being a member of the Carson-Newman Eagles football team is more than just being an athlete. It’s a chance for him to be surrounded by coaches and players with strong Christian values and the work ethic to win championships. Jesse, please take it away.


– I appreciate it. Alex. As a high school athlete and a Christian, I earnestly wanted to find a place where I could play sports and interact with coaches who could instill Christian values into all facets of my college life. Carson-Newman’s strong alumni support and pride is deeply rooted in the school athletic and academic tradition. As a member of the Carson-Newman football team, I’ve seen firsthand the intense demand for excellence on the field. However, for Eagle athletes, this intense demand extends to the classroom as well. Thanks to Carson-Newman Student Success Program, student athletes have access to academic coaching, tutoring, and career advancement opportunities. Students who then take these resources, utilize them, and excel in the classroom, have the ability to become Eagle Scholars, a distinguished honor only given to elite student athletes. Through a variety of campus ministries, such as weekly chapel, Baptist Collegiate Ministries, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Student Chaplaincy programs, Students are exposed the transforming message of Christ every single day. With 21 NCAA teams, six national championships, and over a hundred conference titles, Carson-Newman university sets the bar extremely high for their student athletes. But if there’s one thing about Carson-Newman, that’s especially unique, it’s the banding together of faculty and coaches for the purpose of helping students step into their next steps in life. Becoming better mothers, better fathers, that are leaders, that are servants, all for the purpose of glorifying Christ. But that’s all for me. Who’s next, Alex?


– Wow. What a record both on and off the field for Carson-Newman student athletes. It’s obvious that students like Jesse are gaining valuable life lessons they will be able to take with them once they graduate and will be well-equipped to share their faith, wherever life leads them. Jesse, well done.

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