Campus Life

Segment #1 from Southwest Baptist University


Okay, our first story is from a guy with a big personality who is everywhere on campus. Minh is a youth ministry major from West Plains, Missouri. The community at SBU drew him here, and he is completely immersed in that community, now as a student. Minh we can’t wait to hear your story. Please take it away.


– Thanks a bunch for that introduction, Alex. Early my childhood into high school, I had no idea how God wanted to use me, this high energy childlike young adult for his kingdom. Then, Southwest Baptist University came along and everything started making sense. I was accepted to many colleges, but SBU stood out. What pulled me as view the most was the community and how it felt like home. SBU is located in Bolivar, Missouri, which is actually about the same size as West Plains, Missouri, where my hometown is. Only big difference is that my hometown doesn’t have Kaylife. Kayilfe is an interdenominational ministry I serve with that focuses on discipleship and loving kids that come from different backgrounds and broken homes. SBU shares that same love and care to its students. And I’ve witnessed that firsthand from the faculty and my friends. SBUs campus and community brings a sense of family to me, a sense of care, something that feels familiar. Going to several campus-wide activities each week keeps me busy, but it is also the highlight of my days. My all time favorite events, it’s Spy Week. This is actually how I met a lot of my fellow Bearcat friends by chasing them around campus and spraying them with super soakers. Yeah, talk about first impressions. Doing ministry, representing SBU as a student ambassador, participating in strange and competitive events and having the constant support for my friends and faculty, have been such a blessing. No matter what you come here for, you not only get an exceptional education, but friends and memories that will last a lifetime. That’s the tip of the iceberg of my story. Thank you so much for letting me share it. This Bearcat says peace out.


– Minh, it sounds like you are having a blast at SBU. Thank you for sharing your story about how Christ is using your entire campus experience at SBU to prepare you for future youth ministry. Students can get involved at SBU through local campus activities, small group Bible studies, chapel services, student led worship events, and much, much more. Thanks again, Minh.

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