Christian Mission

Segment #8 from Baylor University


And now we have the opportunity to meet Baylor University’s president… Dr. Linda Livingstone. She’s waiting for us in Elliston Chapel – one of the many sacred spaces on Baylor’s campus where students can spend time praying, worshiping, or just in quiet reflection. President Livingstone will tell us about Baylor’s Christian mission and what it means to pursue your calling at a Christian research university. President Livingstone….over to you.

Thank you, Alex. We are happy to welcome you to Baylor and share some of the things we love about our remarkable university. Baylor is built on a foundation of Christian faith, and it is on this foundation our university continues to grow and thrive. Everything we do is grounded in our faith, and in pursuit of our mission to support students academically, personally, and spiritually. It is our goal to prepare our students to become leaders in their professions, servants in their communities, and light to the world around them. As a Christian research university, we sit at a unique crossroads of faith and discovery. Here, you will find world-class researchers also teaching in the classroom, and faculty office hours that become mentoring opportunities as students seek to find their calling. At Baylor, we believe research discoveries illuminate solutions to significant challenges confronting society, not for our own gain, but for the transformation those discoveries bring to lives around the world. Incoming Baylor students are met on day one with an example of our caring Christian community when they are welcomed for move-in where the Baylor family helps move their belongings from their cars into their residence halls. Every year, I am amazed at how much students can pack into their campus residences, and every year, I’m also amazed at how many of our faculty, staff, and upper-class students work for hours in the Texas heat to make each student and family feel at home. Our residential communities have upper-class students who serve as community leaders. Their role is to encourage and support students as they transition to life on campus. Each residence hall has a resident chaplain to help cultivate a strong community and provide opportunities for students to grow in their faith. Baylor’s chapel program for first-year students is a time for students to explore their personal beliefs, worship together, and learn to express their faith throughout their lives. Students also choose two required entry-level religion classes that expand their knowledge and understanding. Students come to Baylor from all 50 states and around the world, and that diversity offers interactions with a wide range of backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. We encourage students to embrace the opportunity to learn from others, and to treat each other with dignity and respect. We hope you’ll come and be a part of our caring Christian community. Thank you, and back to you, Alex.

Thank you, President Livingstone. Your heart for students and for supporting them as they find their place at Baylor is inspirational. I appreciate you joining us.

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