Creating a Just, Peaceful and Prosperous World

Segment #12 from Florida International University


Now let’s meet Prachi who is studying international relations with a minor in political science and also getting certificates in Latin American and Caribbean studies, European and Eurasian studies, human rights and political transitions and Peace Corp Prep. Wow that is an impressive resume, take it away Prachi.

Hi everyone, it’s an honor to talk to you today about how to create a just peaceful and prosperous world. I was born in Venezuela, but my whole family is from India. What can I say, I’m living the best of other worlds. I got the chance to travel to India when I was 12, and I saw how women were oppressed how they couldn’t express themselves freely, go to school or even sit in the same tables men do. From that day, I decided I will strive in the best of my abilities to help them, because I want them to experience the same freedom and opportunities I’m blessed to have today in my life. My work is driven by passion for helping and compassion for people. I believe that all of us were created at the image of God and we should support each other. As a daughter of two Indian parents, I realized that I need to prepare myself in order to make a difference. My American dream has started here at FIU. I have the opportunity to travel to different places just as Alabama, Boston, and LA, and create my own community in Faema. My goal is inspire and empower women. We offer mentoring, worship, live webinars and ally resources. And so far we have helped more than 1,200 women around the world. As a Hamilton scholar at FIU, I work as a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, creating and funding my own policy proposal called the Aasha Hope Program, which authors the domestic violence in the South Asian community. My policy has granted a woman in that community, educational resources, shelter, childcare through NGO and community-based solutions. All these experiences have helped me to create a just peaceful and prosperous world. I believe that if I can inspire someone, that person can inspire someone else and like this we can start a change reaction. Well that is my story, thank you so much for listening and get back to you Alex.

Thank you so much Prachi for sharing your story with us. You’re doing meaningful work, makes us feel positive about our future congratulations, cheers Prachi.

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