Creative Experiences

Segment #16 from University of Missouri


All right, let’s head over to meet with Caleb, a senior majoring in organizational communication and theater performance. Caleb is ready to highlight some of the fine arts and creative experiences available to students and how he’s been able to take advantage of unique opportunities here at Mizzou to help take his craft to the next level. Caleb, break a leg.

Thanks Alex. Growing up, I loved two things, sports and music. After four years of 50 yard sprints and football pads, I decided it was time for something different. I tried out live performance and never looked back. When it was time to find a college, I had to find somewhere I could pursue my love of performing without giving up the the college experience. That’s when I found Mizzou. The College of Arts and Sciences at Mizzou is dedicated to helping students discover their own future, and I’ve been able to do just that. Since my freshman year, I’ve been in four shows starring alongside peers, professors, and some of Columbia’s finest talents. At Mizzou, we don’t just study the craft of performing. We also critically study the history of the arts while pushing back boundaries and telling stories that matter. Most recently, Mizzou sent me and a dozen other students to New York City to perform at the Jerry Orbach Theater on Times Square. While there, we participated in several workshops with industry professionals and met Mizzou-made alumni doing the work at the highest level. Not only did I get to perform in the entertainment capital of the world, I got to practice my craft with Broadway performers and get a better sense of what to expect once I take my final walk through the columns. The fact that I’ll be leaving this school with that performance on my resume means I’m confident telling people I want to be an actor for the rest of my life. And thanks to the support of my professors, I’m already preparing to audition for Master in fine arts programs around the country. While it’ll hurt to leave this stage behind, I’m ready to take on what’s next and take my craft to the next level. And that’s thanks to Mizzou. Back to you, Alex.

Caleb, I love it. Your drive and commitment will shine on any stage, my friend. It’s so inspiring to see talented students like you enjoying career-shaping opportunities at Mizzou. Thanks, Caleb. We can’t wait to see what you’ll do next. 

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