Faculty-Student Connection

Segment #5 from Tarleton State University


Let’s go see what Aurod is up to. Aurod is a Mathematics major studying Data Science specializing in infectious diseases. He’s gonna tell us about how one-on-one attention from his professors helped him find his calling and his place at Tarleton. Aurod, you are on.


– Thank you for that introduction, Alex. Hey, what’s up y’all? Growing up, I was always told to focus on my Math and Science, but I didn’t think that my career goals would lead me to such a place where I would meet lifelong friends and amazing faculty mentors. I had several options for college, but Tarleton really stood out over the others. Great faculty to student ratio, great personal attention. Here at Tarleton, students know they’re a name, not a number. My first year, I learned I wanted to study infectious diseases, and my professors and mentors guided me to the right major and path. During my first semester, I was introduced to the vast world of research by a Mathematics research professor whom I currently conduct undergraduate research with. Since then, my life has never been the same. I have conducted research with several faculty members, had the opportunity to work with the university president, and even created the Student Research Association, an organization revolving around faculty-student research. Tarleton’s personal attention for each student and how much each faculty member genuinely cares is why all students succeed. I connected with professors across campus who not only helped me succeed academically, but helped my peers achieve what they thought was impossible. Tarleton has given me so many opportunities and my professors have strengthened me through their advice and encouragement. I know that no matter where I am the gates here at Tarleton will always be open, and I will forever bleed purple. That’s all for me. Take it away, Alex.


– Wow! It’s so great to learn about your student research and see that faculty are willing to take you under their wing. It’s evident that your work is gonna change the world.

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