
Segment #6 from The Catholic University of America


Let’s kick it over to Javier. He’s a senior from Rockville, Maryland, double major in philosophy and English, and if that wasn’t enough, he is also minoring in theology. Let’s hear why Javier chose Catholic University, and what faith life is like on campus. Javier, the floor is all yours.


– Thanks, Alex. Funny enough, when I was approaching college, I set out to discover the meaning of life, so I picked the strongest program and philosophy I could find, a place where I can dive into the deep questions of purpose, happiness, and service, all in an open and cheerful community. Here at the Catholic University of America, I’ve grown deep roots in my Catholic faith. Specifically, I’ve discovered how engaging in my faith makes me deeply joyful and also aware of the needs of my community around me. For me, this joy stems from the awareness of the fact that I am a son of God, loved at the core of my existence from all time. I’ve learned this in my metaphysics and theology classes, but most importantly, in the rich sacramental life offered by Campus Ministry including multiple opportunities for daily mass, weekly confession, and adoration. Here, faith from our prayer and reason from our classroom are two complimentary ways by which we discover the impact we can have not only in these four years, but for eternity. For me, this joy has inspired me to become an RA, a resident assistant, and live and serve alongside my peers. The investment that Catholic U places in the faith of their students is unique, and it’s this that makes our campus a warm, welcoming, and cheerful place. After all, we are in the shadow of the most beautiful basilica in the country, and our neighborhood, Brookland, is also known as Little Rome because of all the religious houses, churches in our area, and especially our school. Being an RA, serving my fellow students has taught me that one of the greatest lessons in college isn’t so much what can I get out of a given situation, but instead what can I give, how can I serve? And there are countless opportunities to give of yourself and serve here at Catholic University. Back to you, Alex. 

Oh my, thank you, Javier. Your story is so inspiring. We can learn a lot about personal reflection in our everyday lives, and I’m glad you found it here at Catholic University. Cheers, Javier. 

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