Fast-Track Learning

Segment #1 from The University of Texas at Dallas


All right, y’all, it’s time to meet Thomas, a business analytics graduate student. Thomas was looking for a college that would challenge him when he enrolled at UTD. And that’s exactly what this university did. It seems he met that challenge expecting to finish his undergrad and graduate degrees in just five years. And then there’s something about improv and barbecue. Take it away, Thomas.


– Thanks, Alex. Hi, y’all. When I was looking for college campuses, I wanted one I could really make my own. I didn’t need a massive campus full of traditions. I wanted one that challenged me academically and let me carve my niche. In high school, I was a solid middle of the pack student. As I stepped onto campus here, I was blown away by how academically driven everyone is. Being surrounded by these individuals and taking tough classes led me to fall in love with learning. I went from an undergrad student in business administration to a fast track graduate student in analytics, learning coding and statistics that high school me would’ve never attempted. With a wide variety of electives, research opportunities, minors, and concentrations, at UTD, you can tailor your degree to what your most interested in. Socially at UTD, it’s all about your niche. For me, I joined Club Improv freshman year and after the break from COVID, it was up to me and a couple of close friends to restart that club. There’s tons of big events on campus and with over 400 clubs, including ours, UTD really shines in meaningful connections in small communities. We don’t have the massive football games or centuries old traditions, but we do have a barbecue group that does monthly cookouts and the fabrication shop and maker space, give free training and access to power tools and 3D printers. We have weekly smash tournaments, pick up volleyball games, and everything in between all to help you find intimate communities all across campus. I’ve loved my time at UTD and I will always cherish the sense of community and drive for excellence that I’ve built here over these last five years. Well, that’s my story. Back over to you, Alex.


– Now that’s a very UTD kind of story of challenges sought and challenges met. Multiple degrees, maker spaces, improv, and a barbecue club! How cool is that? Note to self, I might have to meet that barbecue group before I leave Texas. Thank you, Thomas, and please save some brisket for me.

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