First Gen Focus

Segment #18 from The University of Texas at San Antonio


Many UTSA students are the first in their families to attend a four-year university, as is our next student, Angelica. Angelica says she chose UTSA because growing up, one of her role models was a UTSA alum. And she also knew that the university has been nationally recognized for its program supporting first-generation college students. Angelica, you are up.


– Thanks, Alex. Hey, everyone. I am the first person in my family to attend college. Nearly half of UTSA’s undergraduates are first-generation college students, and the university has numerous dedicated resources to support us, including first-gen peer mentors, student organizations, and Living & Learning Communities. Fun fact, many UTSA faculty were first-gen students too, so they understand and appreciate the unique assets that we bring to campus. Attending a university that has a strong support network for first-gen students truly makes a difference. Also, many of UTSA’s first-gen students are fortunate to have their tuition and fees covered through the Bold Promise program. Bold Promise represents UTSA’s commitment to offer high-quality education to students from low and middle-income Texas families, and it has helped thousands of Roadrunners pursue their educational journeys. On campus, I took advantage of every opportunity that came my way. One that had the greatest impact on me was joining Voices. It’s the largest volunteer organization at UTSA and serves both the university and the community. This organization has shown me the person I want to be and allows me to help others in a variety of ways. People will often say that San Antonio is a huge city with the tight-knit feeling of the small community. And at UTSA, I’ve experienced this firsthand. College was not what I imagined. Just in my second year, I have learned new things about myself in the importance of getting involved as a first-gen student. With some effort, one can come a long way here at UTSA, no matter where you’re starting from. Back to you, Alex.


– Thanks for sharing your story. Angelica, I love seeing those first-gen UTSA t-shirts all over the UTSA campus. It’s clear that the Roadrunner community truly celebrates its first-generation college students for the trailblazers that they are. Great job, Angelica.

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