Honors Experience

Segment #5 from The University of Texas at San Antonio


Okay, we’ve heard a lot about UTSA’s campus culture. It’s time to hit the books and start talking about academics. Here to get things rolling is Joshua who’s gonna tell us about the UTSA Honors College. UTSA students are preparing for their future careers by learning from top faculty in their classes and by participating in out of the classroom experiences. Take it away, Joshua.


– Thanks for the introduction, Alex. During my senior year of high school, I knew I wanted to study electrical engineering. My goal was to attend a university where I could stand out and make a difference. After touring several colleges, I knew that attending the University of Texas at San Antonio can make that goal a reality. I decided to enroll in the UTSA Honors College, and I’m so glad I did. The UTSA Honors College has helped me tremendously, both in terms of standing out as an engineer and growing as a person. My first year in the program granted me the opportunity to participate in the honor study abroad in Costa Rica. There, I was fully immersed in a new culture. I even made a lifelong friend on the trip. The Honors 101 class gave me the push I needed to seek out research opportunities here on campus. That was a single best career decision I’ve ever made. UTSA is a Tier 1 research university with tons of programs for undergraduate researchers. One of those programs funded by the National Science Foundation is how I got my start in the Unmanned Systems Lab. Today, I’m a published author in a peer-reviewed electrical engineering conference and had the opportunity to present my research in DC. This past year, I led a team to first place in the Excellence in Senior Design, Electrical and Computer Engineering showcase where we competed against a dozen of the best schools throughout Texas and New Mexico. Now I look forward to continuing my education and research by enrolling in UTSA’s new graduate program in artificial intelligence. And thanks to the Honors College for helping me along the way. Back to you, Alex.


– Thanks, Joshua. It’s wonderful to know that highly-motivated undergraduates like you can join Honors College no matter what their major is. And the Honors College staff and faculty will help them to develop a customized experience based curriculum to fit their career goals. That is amazing. Thanks again.

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