Inspiring Tomorrow’s Educators

Segment #7 from Illinois Wesleyan University


The Illinois Wesleyan has been included in the Princeton Review’s annual listing of best colleges every single year, since the list inception in 1989. Student survey described IWU as a small school that oozes big opportunities. Let’s meet Tyler who found her path and is making the most of some of those opportunities. Take it away, Tyler.


– Thanks, Alex. When choosing a school, I decided to apply to just about everyone I could think of. Imagine my dilemma when they all accepted me. My mom and I decided to come and visit Illinois Wesleyan, and we absolutely fell in love with the campus’s warm and welcoming atmosphere. I just knew that Illinois Wesleyan was perfect for me. I came in with a set major, but as time went on, I didn’t feel like it was quite right for me. So, due to my love of reading and writing, I decided to switch to education and English writing. Even with two majors, my advisors laid out a plan for me, which keeps me on track to graduate in four years. I love our education program because we can start working in a local classroom as early as our first year. I also love that the program ensures that we will all become teachers that foster safe, equitable, and inclusive learning environments for all. At IWU, we are motivated to give back. I’m fortunate enough to do this at our writing center. I get to help my peers with their writing and I also get to learn about other subjects through the work that they bring. All of this will help me to have levels of comfort and knowledge in the classroom that I couldn’t get anywhere else. I’ve learned that nothing is too hard to overcome, if you have community full of support like I do here. I’m confident that once I graduate, I will be able to inspire my future students, just like my professors inspire me. At IWU, I have been on the dean’s list, created genuine friendships, worked hands-on with students and more. I can’t wait to create my own classroom filled with the tools that Illinois Wesley has given me. Back to you, Alex.


– Wow, thank you, Tyler. It’s clear to me why this university has been called a model of the responsive, thoroughly successful small liberal arts university, an institution that engenders deep feelings of attachment and loyalty amongst its students and graduates, and that is amazing. Thanks again for sharing your story.


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