Living on Campus

Segment #2 from Tarleton State University


Let’s say hi to Lillie. Lillie is a sophomore and Education major who lived in Hunewell Hall as a first year student. Here’s Lillie who’s gonna walk us through life on campus and all the options students have just steps from their home away from home.


– Hey, everybody and thank you for the introduction, Alex. One of the biggest aspects of college is living on campus. What your dorm will look like, who your roommate will be, all of the activities that take place in between. Tarleton State University provides a welcoming living and learning environment and gives you a home feeling that not a lot of universities have. Living on campus, everyone on my floor became my family. We went to every event together, cheered at every home game, and started our own traditions within our friend group. We even had cookouts in the kitchen of our building with our resident leaders. Everything on campus is within walking distance and very easily accessible. The Dining Hall and the Student Center are right in the center of campus and both provide a wide variety of eating options, including national chain restaurants, and both make for great study and hangout spots. You’re also in close proximity to mental health and physical wellness resources with our campus recreation, aquatic center, and our student health and counseling center. You’ll probably see me and my friends at the rec playing volleyball together. I can say without a doubt That living here at Tarleton has been one of the best experiences of my life. I’ve made lifelong friends and countless memories. Tarleton has given me a second family. I know I can count on my friends and residential leaders to be there for anything I may need, even if it’s just somebody to walk to class with. That’s all for me. Alex, wanna join us on campus?


– Absolutely. It’s clear to see why anyone would wanna live here and you’ve made so many great friends along the way. Maybe I’ll run into you at the rec. Thanks again, Lillie.

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