Make Your Move

Segment #4 from Cerritos College


I’d like you to meet David. He’s a great example of someone who may have had a bit of a rough start, but was able to turn his life around at Cerritos College. He’s currently enrolled in the paralegal program with big dreams and big goals. Let’s hear David’s story.


– Thanks, habibi. Ola, familia. When I was younger, I was known as a troublemaker and a class clown, causing me to think that college life was impossible, but my stepdad, Eric, who also attended Cerritos College, shared with me his joyful stories of Falcon life with his friends and studying at the library. When I found out about other alumni like Juan Dominguez, this inspired me even more. Whatever your interests are, you can find a group of friends and mentors at Cerritos. The chess club allows me to laugh and have a good time. The Association of Latino Professionals for America introduced me to ways of thinking that I didn’t consider to help me grow into a respectable man. As a formerly troubled youth, I am very interested in a law career and am passionate about having the ability to help others navigate systems to get the help they need. While it once felt impossible, I am now on the path to transfer to my dream school of UC Berkeley to achieve my ultimate goal of becoming a senator of California. I’m living proof that the problems faced in the past don’t need to dictate your future. You could find the career path of your choice. The paralegal program is perfect for someone like me who wants to transfer and have more financial freedom, but also get practice in working in law under the direction of a licensed attorney. This also allows me to have free time to study and spend time with friends and family. As a student, it means a lot that my professors are personally invested in my success. Miss Moshi went above and beyond to help me stay encouraged to finish my first semester. Here at Cerritos College, any dream is possible. Back to you, habibi.


– That was great, David. You remind us that it doesn’t matter how you start, but it’s how you finish. No matter your background, Cerritos College has everything you need to be a successful student and ready for the workforce.

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