Medical Laboratory Technology

Segment #2 from Northwest Florida State College


It’s time to meet Jennifer, a junior in the NWFSC Medical Laboratory Technology program, also known as MLT. Let’s head over to the MLT lab at the Fort Walton Beach campus, where she’ll tell us all about how she got started. Take it away, Jennifer.

– Hello, Alex. When I was ready to return to school to make a career change, I knew I needed a flexible and supportive school to balance my education with being a mom and supporting my family. I also thought I would follow the example of my mother and become a nurse, or a teacher, like my sister. I chose Northwest Florida State College for its flexible class options, hybrid programs, and multiple campus locations. Additionally, the college’s career options in health services gave me the capability to pursue my dream of working in STEM. I wanted to be a part of positive patient outcomes, but I wasn’t comfortable working directly with patients. With my advisor’s help, I found the Medical Laboratory Technology program. The MLT program was like coming home. I was able to pursue my dream of a STEM career as a woman, mom, and leader. My professors and program director are all women of science, balancing their work and family life just like me. I’ve never had such incredible role models. The MLT laboratory was built with the technology to prepare us to go into working laboratories. Northwest Florida State College is committed to my success and supports me as a returning student pursuing a new career. I have access to free tutoring, advising, and financial aid, and professors who are always there to help whenever possible. It feels incredible to be a student and already have hospitals, clinics, and research facilities reaching out with job opportunities. I feel confident in the skills and knowledge I have gained here in the MLT program, and the incredible support I’ve had from faculty and staff, to one day take those skills to work in labs around the world. So come on, Alex, come hang out in the lab.

– Jennifer, thank you for giving us a tour of the MLT lab. With the faculty and equipment at this lab, there are no limits to what students can learn and discover. This also goes to show how important it is to have role models in education. Thank you so much, Jennifer, and this looks pretty good on me. Take care.

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