Nursing School

Segment #3 from Southwest Baptist University


Nurses are in high demand across the country and SBU is training, compassionate and confident nurses with a heart for servant leadership. Brenna Allen, a nursing major with a minor in psychology is here to share her story and give us a look at the fantastic training facilities. It’s all yours Brenna.


– Thanks Alex, when I started my college search, I wasn’t sure what I was looking for other than I knew I wanted to find a place that felt like home and would challenged me to grow. Southwest Baptist University has been that home for me since I first set foot on campus, whether it be Welcome Week, Mission Trips, Campus Events, or seeing smiling faces on the way to class, I found so many new opportunities to learn, feel known and grow in this community, which ultimately led me to the nursing program. Some of my greatest college memories have come from moments spent in our Learning Resource Center and Simulation Lab, that allows us to practice our nursing skills in a safe environment. With a cohort size of 30 students. I’ve had the opportunity to meet some of my best friends while getting hands on experience and personalized guidance from our instructors. My instructors believe in me and are always there to support me, which has been monumental in gaining confidence, in caring for patients and in myself. And while classroom content is important, some of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned in the nursing program are from the real life opportunities that happen during our clinicals at local hospitals and facilities. I have no doubt that these resources and our incredible instructors are to credit for helping lead our first Bolivar nursing class to a hundred percent first time pass rate on the licensure exam. Part of Southwest Baptist University’s mission statement is to prepare us to be servant leaders in a global society. And I can sincerely say that my experience with the nursing program has equipped me with the tools and confidence that I need to show compassion and provide holistic care to my future patients. Back to you, Alex.


– Your story is so inspiring Brenna and those training facilities are amazing. The Learning Resource Center and simulation lab are filled with high tech equipment that mimics what students will use in their clinical training in future workplaces. We are so glad you found your home at SBU. Thanks again, Brenna.

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