Research at Kean

Segment #2 from Kean University


Let’s learn about Kean’s cutting edge research opportunities with Hana. She’s a biotechnology, molecular biology major enrolled in Kean’s Accelerated Stem Program, earning her bachelor’s and master’s degree in just five years. A childhood heart condition, inspired Hana’s passion to discover new drugs, to treat cardiovascular disease. At Kean, she’s collaborating with faculty and classmates on leading scientific research. Hana, tell us more.


– Thanks, Alex. Howdy, everybody, and welcome to Kean Stem Program. I’ve always been interested in science since my amazing seventh grade science teacher, and I’ve been captivated by the medicinal world through drug discovery research. I have a heart condition called HCM, which had sidelined me from athletics at a young age. Due to this, I’ve always wanted to know more about heart conditions and what to do to help others. When deciding what university to attend, doing hands-on research early in my career, was the most important aspect to me. Here at Kean University, I’m able to conduct research in a lab at an extremely early point in my career. Being able to work with a partner, has truly taught me to be flexible with others, as well as helped me make great friends. I’ve been doing research under the mentorship of three different professors. My cohort and I synthesized dipeptidyl peptidase inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2, successfully coupling two main . Meaning, we were able to chemically create a compound that would potentially be able to enter proteins and peptides in COVID-19 patients. I presented my research to my peers at Kean’s Annual Research Day events where more than 1000 other students showcase the work they have conducted. Kean University has been designated as New Jersey’s first urban research university. Kean’s also on a path to achieve an R2 Carnegie designation, which would recognize our growing research program. Kean has truly prepared me already with a hands-on research experience. Industry recruiters find students here to be more than qualified due to our extensive expertise. I plan on graduating with my bachelors and master in science in our five-year program, and then proceeding to get an MD PhD, researching drug discovery within cardiovascular disease. I am passionate about the research I have already conducted and my future. Bringing it back to you, Alex.


– Hana, you are unstoppable. Sounds like your research into new drugs will help create medicines for people to live longer and healthier lives. Incredible that your maximizing Kean’s faculty mentorship, research days, and state-of-the-art laboratory facilities to help get a jump start on your life’s work. Here’s to you becoming a groundbreaking research scientist.

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