Signature Experiences

Segment #11 from University of Missouri


Let’s meet Trillion, an animal sciences major in Mizzou’s College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, or CAFNR for short. It’s one of 12 schools and colleges at Mizzou and offers a diverse range of degree programs that impact the nation’s largest industries and addresses challenges including animal and human health, sustainability, and so much more. Let’s hear more from Trillion. Take it away.

Thanks, Alex. Hey y’all. Since I was a little girl, I always knew I wanted to be a veterinarian. Growing up I had dogs, fish, and a Guinea pig named butter. My mom worked at a veterinary clinic and I would tag along with her to work every chance that I could get. With an internationally known life science program, I knew Mizzou was meant for me. I’m part of the animal sciences program in the College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, CAFNR for short. As a city girl, I have gotten so many experiences with animals throughout my undergrad that I would not have gotten anywhere else. I’ve milked goats, helped birds in our raptor rehabilitation center, and even felt a baby calf while they was still inside the cow. Even though Mizzou is a big school, it feels small and family oriented. Many of the CAFNR faculty even serve as advisors for their students. Any of CAFNR’s 14 majors prepare you for success while encouraging learning outside the classroom. At Mizzou, CAFNR students participate in research, international study abroad, service, internships, and countless hands-on learning opportunities. One of my favorite memories so far is studying abroad in Spain. I’ll never forget my time in Oviedo. I got to work on my Spanish while being immersed in the culture, going to the beach with my classmates in Gijon, and exploring the city of Madrid. Before coming to Mizzou, I knew I wanted to work with animals and I’m thankful for the range of hands-on opportunities I’ve had. Because of my experiences, I now want to work with exotic animals at a zoo or a wildlife rehabilitation center. I found my true passion here and I know you will too. Back to you, Alex.

What a story, Trillion. And thank you. CAFNR’s rise and signature experiences don’t just enhance your time in college, they help you stand out when you graduate. That’s one of the reasons why 99% of CAFNR students reported a successful career outcome within six months of their graduation. That is amazing. Thanks again, Trillion. 

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