Student Involvement

Segment #9 from Tarleton State University


Okay, we’re gonna meet Marco, a senior Nursing major from Houston, Texas. He’s gonna tell us about his experience getting involved at Tarleton, how he found his purpose and place on campus, and the way students can get involved to make a huge impact.


– Thanks, Alex. Hey, y’all. When coming to Tarleton, I thought I’d be an acting chair, but found my true passion in Nursing. I wanted to get involved and quickly found a place where I could be my authentic self. I joined the Tarleton Transition Mentors Program where I was able to help incoming freshmen transition into college life and be comfortable with being themselves. I later got involved in the Student Government Association as the vice president of programming, where I helped plan some of our homecoming events. Being involved pushed me to help others while making meaningful connections. One of my most meaningful involvements was running the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. I became more comfortable with myself and the bond of new brothers. We continue to grow with each other and make a positive impact in our community. At Tarleton, there are many opportunities to get involved. We offer over 150 organizations ranging from academic groups and spirit organizations to social clubs, Greek life, and more. Students can find their true place and surround themselves with like-minded people. Tarleton is also incredibly service-based. One event in particular is Tarleton Round Up. It is the largest student-led community service project where we serve close to 150 local residents, helping them pull weeds, pick up trash, and rake leaves. It’s a great opportunity for us to give back to the community that gives so much to us. For my courses to amazing organization, I have learned to be a better leader and a better person. This has helped prepare me for my career and to help those around me. I wouldn’t be where I am, or even who I am, if it wasn’t for everything that Tarleton’s given me. Remember, get involved, make your mark, and leave your legacy. Now back to you, Alex.


– That was great, Marco. It’s so inspiring to see how getting involved made such an impact on your college journey. There’s surely a way for each student to find their place on campus by getting involved. That was awesome. Take care.

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