Student Support with Stephen

Segment #4 from Tusculum University


We are now going to hear firsthand from Stephen, a junior from Winston-Salem, North Carolina, who is studying Sports Science, Pre-Physical Therapy. Tusculum University is focused on a student’s success and has a number of programs to support these Pioneers. One special program at Tusculum is Student Support Services, which serves first generation students and those from low income backgrounds. Take it away, Stephen.

– I appreciate the introduction, Alex. A major part for me while looking for colleges was the community within the school. Coming from a close-knit community, it was important to me that I felt connected to everybody around me. During my first visit to Tusculum, I knew that this would be the school I would form lifelong bonds while being able to excel as a student athlete. That is exactly what I did during my freshman year. I had a lot of support from our faculty and staff and from my fellow classmates as well. Our tutoring center played a crucial role in my education. I was able to rent books for classes and get help writing and reviewing papers. I was tutored by fellow Tusculum students who had taken the same class and excelled in the coursework. Student Support Services, or SSS, played a crucial role in my success. It is one of the best resources available here at Tusculum. This amazing program works to help all first generation and Pell Grant eligible students not only be prepared during their years at Tusculum, but also the years after. The chances of graduating are doubled for those who participate in this program. SSS students can go on trips to different graduate schools. These trips help students decide on their next steps after graduation. In addition, we explore different areas of the country and have lots of fun. Activities are plentiful, including visiting civil rights museums and cooking classes. Attending Tusculum University has been one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made. I’m forever grateful to the SSS staff, my teammates, my friends, and the faculty for providing me with everything I need to enjoy life here at campus and be prepared for life after. That’s all for me. Back to you, Alex.

– We loved your message, Stephen. Tusculum University really cares about its students. More than half of Tusculum students will be the first in their immediate family to earn a degree. Tusculum’s multitude of support programs demonstrates the university’s commitment to enhance the quality of life for these students. Thanks for sharing, Stephen.

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