
Segment #6 from Asbury University


All right, everyone, let’s head over to main campus and meet a rock star of a recent Asbury graduate. Demarion didn’t let any opportunity slide by him. Instead of just fading into the background during his college experience, he became a prominent campus leader, including president of the student body his senior year. Demarion has an incredible story, and I’m so excited for you to meet him. Demarion, the floor is all yours.


– Thanks, Alex. Attending Asbury wasn’t always a part of my original college plans. Being from a small town, I thought that I wanted to go to a large school, get a quality education and just be a part of the crowd. But from the moment that I stepped onto Asbury’s campus, I was overwhelmed by a sense of belonging. And I knew that being here would help me step into the future that God had planned for me. During freshmen orientation, we were able to see all of the clubs, churches, and organizations that students can be a part of. Little did I know, the plethora of options would lead me to find my best friends, shape my unique experience, and to strengthen professional skills. All of the doors that were open to me during my time at Asbury were truly amazing. Being here taught me what it meant to live in community, to belong, and to step fully equipped into who I am and be confident in that. It also challenged me academically and prepared me for leadership roles that never would have been available to me without people here who poured into me and challenged me to reach my full potential. At Asbury, it’s not about what you can do, but about who you are and what God calls you to do. Studying communications and public relations with world-class professors, who care about me and invite me into their homes, shaped me in a way a large school could have never done. Being a first-generation college student was daunting, but I can say that my experience here was so rich and I’m excited to take on whatever life has to offer. That’s my Asbury story. And I hope it rings true to you. Back to you, Alex.


– Wow. What an incredible story of community. Demarion, you are a true leader with a bright future. Thank you so much for sharing your journey at Asbury with us. Take care.

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