The Adams Experience

Segment #5 from Adams State University


Beginning college can be an intimidating experience for anyone, especially for folks who don’t have a history of higher education in their families. As Jasmina found out, Adams State is a place where you’ll feel welcome and comfortable no matter what your background. Take it away, Jasmina.


– Thanks, Alex. As a first-generation college student, the college admissions process was intimidating. I had no idea where to go or how my family could afford my education. When the Adams State admissions counselor visited my school, she told me about the opportunities they have, and I took a chance. The Adams experience is completely unique to you. Mine includes studying sociology and communications, being in student support services, member of Christian Challenge, work study as student ambassador, orientation leader, and activities coordinator. In my classes, my professors encourage open discussion. With our class size, I am always comfortable contributing. In communications, we learn about the media industry and have a lot of creative freedom when doing hands-on projects. Outside of the classroom, I’ve had many opportunities to be involved on campus, one of which is my time working as a student ambassador, where I give tours to prospective students and their families. I get to share my great appreciation for campus and everything it has to offer. Getting to work in the admissions office has allowed me to learn about the college application process while always staying up to date on the demographics of students we serve. Create your own Adams experience through clubs, lectures, cultural celebrations, or campus and community events. If you can’t find something for you here, then you’re simply not looking hard enough. As a Hispanic-serving institution, campus is rich for diversity, and we pride ourselves on inclusivity. A few years ago when I moved into my dorm room, I didn’t know who I’d become, but I found faith, met the most incredible faculty and staff, gained lifelong friends. And I’m confident my education will lead me to a successful future. That’s my Adams experience. Back to you, Alex.


– Jasmina, thank you for sharing your experience. It’s amazing that at Adams State, students can customize their experience through events, clubs, classes, and more. It sounds like such a friendly, welcoming place. Thanks again for sharing your story with us.

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