Transfer Student Experience

Segment #3 from University of California, Riverside


UC Riverside is a great option for transfer students to consider. To share with us about her experience as a transfer, is Valerie, a fourth year biochemistry student from Los Angeles. In addition to the normal stressors that a college student faces, Valerie is also the mother of a four-year-old son. The mic is all yours, Valerie.


– Thanks, Alex. Hi, everybody. Choosing UCR was a no-brainer after realizing how easy it was to transfer. As a single mom of a four-year-old son and a biochemistry major, I wanted to choose a school that provided a smooth transition into a rigorous academic world. Before transferring, I was overwhelmed with applications, let alone how to pay. What helped me most was UCR’s website. It’s full of checklists, important dates, and information. It helped inform me of class credits that transferred over and when to sign up for social clubs. The website also has access to advisors for specific majors at different colleges at UCR. My College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences advisor helped guide me and made sure I got into all of my classes. The Financial Aid Office offered seminars for transfer students that would show how to fill out forms and notify us of scholarships at UCR. Needless to say, that transferring was easy-peasy, as my son would put it. Best part about the entire process was a personal tour given by my professor, now a good friend. There’s a group on campus called R’Kids for student parents. They provide a family-friendly environment for studying and having fun. Another resource, the R’Pantry helps all low-income students, parents or not, by distributing food, among other things. There’s also the UCR wellness center called The Well, which helps you stay in good health, both mentally and physically. Balancing life is tough, but UCR is a school that can help make that simpler in providing ample resources to something as small as bringing my son to class. I’ve been giving nothing but opportunities to help me be successful here at UC Riverside. Anywhosers, back to you, Alex.


– That was inspiring to hear, Valerie, and it looks like you are having a great time being able to bring your son to classes and events on campus. Maybe someday he’ll choose UCR, too. Thanks again for sharing.

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