Undergraduate Research

Segment #3 from University of Missouri


Let’s meet MacKenna, a junior studying biochemistry. She’ll walk us through some of the incredible research opportunities available to students here and how her love of science has transformed her college experience. Mizzou is known for providing its students with unique hands-on learning experiences, and nowhere is that more apparent than with undergraduate research. It’s all you, MacKenna.

Hey, Alex. I gained a love for science when I started participating in science fairs in about fifth grade. From there, it evolved into a focus on medicine. Mizzou’s combination of research and medical expertise made it an obvious choice for my undergraduate degree. When I came to Mizzou, I was astounded by the number of research opportunities waiting for me. I found a professor researching in pharmacology, reached out to him, and within a month, I had a position in the lab. My research supervisor, Dr. Hill, has been an incredible professor to work for. Being in his lab has provided me numerous opportunities to expand my knowledge and apply the material I’m learning in my classes. My favorite event is the monthly Cardiovascular Forum where a large group of specialists representing different disciplines across the university gather and listen to proposals. It’s amazing to see experts collaborating to solve our biggest problems. I love working with Dr. Hill and his team tackling aortic problems related to obesity. It’s extremely fulfilling. Mizzou provides so many opportunities in every single program at the university. Whether you’re interested in comic books, frogs, or studying international business models, you can find research in something that you enjoy. My research has allowed me to make better connections between classes and have provided me with the tools to succeed in my career. At the core of what I do is science, but it has also allowed me to expand my network and improve my communication skills, all while exploring untouched areas of medicine. It’s a truly amazing and gratifying feeling to be tackling new science problems here at Mizzou. Mizzou-Ra! Back to you, Alex.

Thank you, MacKenna. As just one of 35 public universities in the Association of American Universities, Mizzou is committed to transforming lives through education, research, and innovation. And with more than 100 new invention disclosures each year, it’s clear that students like you will have countless opportunities to engage in new research. Thanks again.

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