Segment #1 from University of Phoenix


I’d like to introduce you to someone who is the embodiment of what it means to be a Phoenix. Meet Dr. Rose Lorenzo, a three time graduate who used her doctorate research to start a business like most UOPX students. Dr. Lorenzo didn’t let her life get in the way of her education, and now she has a pretty fascinating story to tell. Take it away, Rose.

Thanks for the introduction, Alex. Hi everybody. I started my college journey right out of high school, but then life happened and I had to place everything on hold. But when my youngest daughter decided to go to college, I decided it was time to return to school and finish what I had started many years ago. I chose the University of Phoenix because they offered the flexibility to work full-time and attend school. As a working professional, I could fit my classes around my work and my life. That flexibility allowed me to earn my bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree. Throughout my journey at University of Phoenix, I encountered an amazing population of students driven to achieve their goals. Because I received all of my degrees from the University of Phoenix, I interacted with students from education to technology and everything in between. Most were working professionals from various industries. During my doctoral program, I met three like-minded classmates that completely changed my career path. Through our combined research, we started Hackathon Junior, a nonprofit organization that teaches children how to code and problem solve with technology, with the mission to improve emotional intelligence through communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. The student Community University of Phoenix fosters helped to make our dream a reality. University of Phoenix is designed for busy adults because the education not only helps you learn skills for a job, but also creates a connection with like-minded individuals that can propel you to the next level in your career and life. The online environment at University of Phoenix gave me the opportunity to meet non-traditional adult students like me and build a professional network. University of Phoenix also contributed to my professional growth by giving me confidence to write a book and start I12 Academy, a charter high school that focuses on entrepreneurship in STEM. Well, that’s my story. Back to you, Alex.

What an amazing story. Like Rose, many UOPX students juggle work, life, and family while going to school, but what defines them is the grit and determination to face life’s responsibilities head on and succeed from business owners to role model parents. It’s awesome to see where their degrees can take them. Thanks, Rose. 

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