Williams Honors College

Segment #7 from The University of Akron


We’ll hear from Brooke next, a biomedical science student and honors scholar who shares what has made her time at Akron, and in the Honors College, so rewarding.


– Thanks Alex. Hey everyone. Ever since I was little I knew that I wanted to go to the University of Akron. Their endless opportunities, connections with Akron area, and world class education made me realize that this university was the one for me. I want to challenge myself intellectually and surround myself with like-minded and engaged students. So I applied to the Williams Honors College. One benefit of the Honors College is the Honors Complex, where I lived my freshman year. There I met some of my best friends. The faculty and advisors associated with the Honors College also pushed me to excel, both in the classroom and the community. They provide me with opportunities to be involved in leadership training, organizations on campus, and projects my local Akron area. I get specialized education, priority scheduling, I even get to design my own research project. As a pre-med student I applied to medical school and those applications require many extracurriculars in addition to a great education. The Williams Honors College helped me to find these opportunities, both on campus and my local area. Not only did they help me complete my application, but they helped me get accepted into medical school. I was recently admitted into the Early Assurance Program that Northeast Ohio Medical University has with the University of Akron. I am so excited to venture there once I graduate. All the opportunities that the Williams Honors College offered greatly set me apart and helped me in every single step of my college career. Where are you taking us next, Alex?


– Wow Brooke, it sounds like you’re well prepared to head into medical school, especially with all the opportunities Akron has offered you. From leadership to research, Akron’s Early Assurance Pathway guaranteed Brooke a seat at a regional medical school where she can continue her studies. Opportunities like this will always keep Akron Zips rising.

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