You Belong Here

Segment #2 from Asbury University


All right everyone, let’s head up the hill to the Luce physical activities center and home of Asbury athletics. Student athletes represent one third of the student body and compete in 16 sports, including cheerleading. Let’s meet one of these 360 student athletes, two time captain of the volleyball team, senior Bethany. Bethany is competing athletically on team AU, while also get a world-class education. And as a part of NCAA division three, these athletes are getting quality athletic experiences while also creating margin to be a true student athlete. Bethany, the court is all yours.


– Thanks Alex. Since childhood, sports and a team player identity have been an integral part of my life. When it came to choosing a college, I knew that I wanted to play volleyball and attend a smaller university where I would be personally known. Asbury was the perfect fit for what I loved and wanted to pursue. I feel blessed to be able to compete and represent Christ and Asbury through volleyball. Being an Asbury Eagle has given me a community like none other. On the court and off, leadership is a big part of my story. I represented athletics in Asbury student Congress, served as the president of the student athlete athletic advisory committee, and been voted a captain for two years on the volleyball team. Volleyball at Asbury has also given me the opportunity to give back. In 2019, I fell in love with Puerto Rico on our team’s mission trip and came back to serve people again, two years later. I credit Asbury athletics for these amazing opportunities. And I’m so grateful for the deeply impactful connections that I have made here. Being a part of team AU means being a part of a family. There’s never been a moment where I haven’t felt known by the faculty or other student athletes. This program is about developing team players who embody the light of Christ through their actions on the court and off. Also, athletics is entering into the NCAA division three, and I am ecstatic for our program, faculty and athletes to compete and represent Christ for a new audience. Asbury athletics has blessed me with the amazing opportunities to develop my work ethic, communication, time management, and leadership skills, in addition to empowering me to humbly walk with Christ in my next steps after Asbury. Back to you, Alex!


– Bethany, what a shining example of using your talents, abilities and leadership, all for the glory of Christ. It’s inspiring to hear your story and how Asbury athletics has shepherded a love of serving all over the world. Thanks again, Bethany, and good luck to the volleyball Eagles and all team AU this year.

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