Carr Hall (with Bri Jones)

Dorm Tour #2 from Ohio University

And I was like, oh, I need this. I absolutely need this. It is so cute. I come here, I sit here, I eat breakfast over here, my friends sit here when they come in to visit…

Hi Dorm Tours! My name is Bri. I’m a sophomore and I live in a single renovated suite-style dorm in Carr Hall, at Ohio University. So a cool little fact about my dorm is that I live in the corner of a building, so I get not only one, but two door, two windows in my dorm, which is kind of like not heard of in our university dorms.

But here’s my first one. And there’s my second one. They have amazing views, amazing views. And I love just a certain people watch because my doorman’s like located where like there’s a huge like main road right there. So kids walk there all the time starting over here in the front of my dorm. There’s like two hallways here. But starting over here, this is probably part grade, though.

I know a lot because this is just like there’s a hangout room over here. But this is a cute little poster I got from the poster sale at my university. I got a bunch of roses there, but mainly in my room there’s like pictures of, like friends and family. Not posters, but I still I love a good poster, so I just had to buy it.

First thing that you see me like my dorm is closets. So over here you get my closet that is already being deconstructed because I am going home for winter break soon. So there’s not a lot of clothes in here at the moment, but there’s still some. And obviously you got to wrap the look. And then over down here, it’s like my messy shoes.

And then just like stuff that I couldn’t fit in like other parts, my room’s like, that’s my paper towels. A lot of that is like napkins and tissues, just things that like I can children closet up here is going to be my, like, cleaning supplies, my trash cans and or trash bags and Windex and my home costume. That’s not cleaning supplies, but this person’s in my closet.

Over here, we have more closet space and then we have this cute little area which a lot of people put, like, I guess I don’t even know what people put in here. I think I put some people like lamps in here because there is like this like little public scene. But I have like these ring lighting covering like this, like lining in my room.

I prefer those lights compared to like the overhead lights. But that also I do have a really overhead lights in my room, you know, and cool thing, they are a shifter. I think that’s called being wired. And I think just being wired in series. But I’m a physics major, so there’s a lot of that reflected into my room.

You’ll see over here is where I keep my sweets and just other like next things that I don’t need. Obviously there are no sweets over here right now. There’s a peanut sweet and salty granola bar because I said, I’m leaving and we’re not supposed to leave like food in the dorm. Really? So I wanted to clean all that out that I have sunglasses that aren’t mine.

Those are my sister’s. A hair clip, a binder that I never use a hockey jacket, which you will find multiple, multiple of those all over my room because I go to a lot of hockey games. So they’re just like little scattered around the room over here in this area. You see, I saw a site that I will never, ever touch, and the student coming in that I put in also for this is dry erase board.

I meant to get some markers and they want to go right on here. I saw someone in my dorm do that. That is so cute. So I’m just going to get some dry, dry erase board markers and write on this. But yeah, this is my command. It carries like my keys, my bags, my grocery bags and just me every day.

And then that’s like the main entrance pretty much over here. This is my bathroom. I share my bathroom with my suite mate. She’s an angel. By the way, if you are looking for a recommendation to go for with a random roommate, don’t be scared. Just do it. This is like. This is amazing. We are like each other’s perfect pairs over here.

I get the trash we have to recycle in a regular, which I think is awesome. Also the best part about my dorm, I would say the trash is literally right there. It is like a two second walk to go to the trash can. And then I have pictures up of just like everything in my life. Here’s like a cute one.

Here’s me, my grandmother. It’s my brother’s kids and then my kept my cat kitty cat back in Cleveland. I miss her so much, but I cannot wait to go home and see her over here, which is a really cool part of my room. I think it is my like seating area. I got this for my birthday and I really wanted it.

They sold them at Target and I was like, Oh, I need that. I absolutely need this. It is so cute. I come here, I sit here, I eat breakfast over here. My friends sit here when I come in to visit because there’s like not a lot of space my room to sit, but or my room last year there wasn’t a lot of space to sit.

So I was like, I need this. I need like, a spot for my friends to come and visit. And this is literally perfect over here. My plant, my singular plant, my mom was like, You absolutely need to plant in your room so that I’m trying to buy me a plant for my dorm. And that is how I got a plant.

We never really named it either, which is so weird because in my family we like name plants, especially if you’re, like, treating them like your kid. But that’s my my child that does not have a name. My speaker that I have that I usually like blast music on, but not like too loud that like I get noise complaints, but like before, like me, my friends like, go out or somewhere, like go to a game.

We always blast music. Definitely. That is a must have for your dorm if you’re going to, like, have a lot of friends in your dorm, definitely have like a speaker or something. I definitely sit over here a lot and kind of just chill and watch. People watch. Like this is like the best area to people watch because this is that little road that I was talking about that people kind of just walk past every day.

And then my awesome to the moon and back special different special edition poster. I’m pretty sure that used to be a cover of a magazine somewhere on the Life magazine. Oh, my gosh, don’t mind me. So head over here is my desk area. This is also such a cute little part of my room, I think. Here’s another one of those like, hockey tickets.

I said you’ll find them everywhere in my room that I have my microwave in my fridge right now. There’s nothing in my room right now because like I said, we’re going home. So I cleaned out my entire fridge. So there’s nothing there right now. And then here’s my clear coach and my paper towels. And then there’s also more pictures over here.

Love those pictures. And they mean everything to me when I see my friends and there’s like, this is cute little gnome dude. He’s he’s adorable. My friend’s grandmother made that for me. The same friend whose mother made me this awesome blanket like, Oh, I love my friend so much. So much. This is my study area. I like to keep the periodic table.

Even though I never took chem here in college. I took it in high school. But yeah, I have this cool little periodic table that I got with the poster sale doll. Oh my gosh, give me the poster sale the $20 and I will make every dollar count. I love poster sales, and then I have this, like, cute little pin board, but like a note that my friend made.

I’m in Math Club, and these are my friends from Math Club, and this is over the summer. We all went down to Cleveland and they all came to Cleveland and we went saw Oppenheimer. Here’s some more hockey tickets and yeah, just more pictures. Like I said, I’m just I’m a picture person. And then over here I have a picture of Albert Einstein because something to keep me motivated and my Puerto Rican flag because I am Puerto Rican.

And it’s just like a fun little reminder, especially since I have one like a big full size beautiful up in my room at home. That definitely makes you feel like a little bit more at home. So let me get into this part of my room. I do have this gigantic mirror at my room. This is made for fit checks and perfect checks only especially in the morning when, like, when, like when you’re about to go out, you need a fit check.

You need to know how you’re looking. Invest in a full sized mirror. If you have room for it, invest in one. And then over here, I have some more pictures up on my wall. Oh, this is my also my really amazing view of the (indistinct) Laboratories, which is the department home, the home of the physics department, which is my major.

So I live really close to like a lot of my classes. And there’s more pictures on my wall over here by cool bed. I don’t know very so this, but I never learned how to make my bed. So that’s just kind of what it looks like. More pictures here. And then this is pretty much my entire room over here.

And then take us back this way. And, you know, I hope you guys enjoyed my dorm tour. I do talk a lot. So sorry. And then, yeah, if you’re ever looking to come to OU, you definitely come give it a look. Tour it. It’s amazing. I love my experience here. And I love this dorm, but thank you. Bye.

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