Sowle Hall (with Jacob Portem)

Dorm Tour #1 from Ohio University

So for here, I like to call it my get ready corner with my hats, my mirror, my shoes, and then my clothing rack for any clothes I want to hang up…

Hi, everyone. My name is Jacob. I’m a senior here at Ohio University, and today I’m going to be showing you my room here in Sowle Hall. So here we are in my room here in Sowle Hall. I actually have a room to myself. I work here as a Resident Advisor, so I help create events and different programs for our residents.

I like to talk with them, making sure everything’s okay with classes and everything like that as well. But so being here in Sowle Hall, I work with second year students, so our whole complex is all second year students and they live in something called suite style. It’s a double and a double and I can joining bathroom right in the middle.

So four people to a suite, two people per room. But for me, I have my own room and my own bathroom. So first here at the front we have my closet space, my drawer space and like kind of my catch all space there for my keys and my wallet and everything like that. And then we have my sink, some more storage over here and everything and my mirror.

This is where I’m brushing my teeth, washing my face, getting ready for the day. And then we have the bathroom, a shower and a toilet. It is really nice having my own bathroom and my own space. And then we kind of go past the bathroom and everything. I have my bed, which is where I sleep. Of course, at my desk and all of that’s provided by the university.

We also have a fridge and a microwave, and that’s also provided by Ohio University as well. But of all the things that they gave me, I decided to also add more things for decoration and make it really my own space. So for here I like to call it may get ready corner with my hands, my mirror, my shoes, and then my clothing rack for any clothes I want to hang up.

And if anything, I want to get ready for the next day. On the walls I have pictures of my friends. I have different art and like different posters and everything like that. Being from New York City, I have a map while I’m not from the city, but I’m about an hour north of it and I have a map of New York City, which is really nice as well.

Living here in Sowle Hall is super nice. We have a bunch of different spaces right outside. It is a pool table and that’s where I hold a lot of different events and programs. I love holding events there for my residents and creating a fun environment. I’m here also here in Seoul, we have really big whiteboards in our lobbies where students love to study and everything like that.

I use their spaces as well, so but primarily here I’m studying, I’m hanging out with my friends. I have this chair right here and I love sitting in it. That’s kind of just really where I am studying and watching movies and TV and everything like that as well. But yeah, that’s my room here in Sowle Hall. Have a good day. Bye.

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