Kahlert Village (with Hannah Anderson)

Dorm Tour #3 from University of Utah

Another perk about my room in particular is I have a beautiful view of the mountains, which, those mountains are a great perk of the campus overall…

Hi, my name is Hannah Anderson. I am a First-year here at the University of Utah, originally from Boise, Idaho, and I live in the brand new Honors tower here at Kahlert Village. So come on into my room.

So I live in a divided double here in Kahlert Village, and it’s a suite-style room, which means that the two doubles are divided by a bathroom.

It’s kind of a Jack and Jill style bathroom with a shower and a toilet. And then a perk of living in the suite style rooms means that there is a sink within your room, which is super awesome and convenient. And attached to the sink is a bunch of under the sink storage. And there is so much space down there.

Plenty of room for both me and my roommate. Okay, so across from my sink space, I have a little food station and as you can see, we have a mini fridge in our room, which is another perk of Kahlert Village. They do allow you to bring in a mini fridge or a microwave, if that’s something that you want.

You can also rent them from the university. But again, super awesome that we can have a fridge in here. Moving this way into the room, you can see we have a door right here and behind this door it leads to that shower and toilet space that I mentioned earlier. So here’s where the bathroom is. And then also, as I mentioned before, I do live in a double with a roommate.

Here’s my side of the double above my desk. You can see I have a few different things. I have a corkboard with some memories from home as well as a picture of Boise, Idaho. Like I said before, I’m from Boise. Above my calendar is a portrait of my dog, who I miss a lot. So that’s a good reminder of home.

I also have my calendar, my whiteboard calendar, which kind of helps keep me organized throughout the year and then just some desk supplies books for my classes as well as some hooks for bags. And then, of course, my game day hat. Here’s my bed again. Like the desk. This was provided to me by the university and it is self loft table, which was super helpful in creating storage space because as you can see, I lofted mine about halfway above the ground and underneath you can take a quick look.

I have some storage under there, which is super nice considering I’m in a smaller space. And so yeah, this is my bed space above it. I have some posters from concerts I’ve been to as well as some lights which make it super cozy in here as opposed to the overhead lighting. Over here is my dresser, which kind of is another dual action space for me.

I both use as a dresser and a bedside table. I had some trinkets on here, like jewelry, plants, a card from some of my family. This again was provided to me by the university and is a super functional space for me. Another perk about my room in particular is I have a beautiful view of the mountains, which, those mountains are a great perk of the campus overall.

Moving on to the last piece of furniture that the university provided to me, this is my wardrobe. It looks small, but it actually is pretty mighty in size. It fits most of my clothes and I was able to use the space above it for extra storage. I’ll open these up and show you. I was able to fit all of my clothes in here, plus some jackets and shoes underneath, so it really is doable.

Thank you so much for taking a look inside my room here in Kahlert Village at the University of Utah. And as always, go Utah!

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