3rd Generation Jag with Irlan

Segment #7 from Southern University


Irlan is a freshman from Houma, Louisiana majoring in therapeutic recreation here on the Baton Rouge campus. She’s also a proud third generation Southern Jaguar. She’ll tell us all about that and how Southern is helping students with their physical and mental health. You have the floor, Irlan.

– Thanks, Desi. Hi, everyone. Being a third generation Southern Knight, I’ve develop a love for this HBCU because my family has consistently exposed me to the Jaguar Nation and its history. I’m proud to attend a school where I found and transformed a former plantation into a haven of education for people who were turned away elsewhere. In fact, this is the first president’s home, which is believed to be a former oversear’s home. I was inspired to continue my family’s legacy of attending Southern by the stories my grandfather would tell. He attended during segregation and personally experienced the resilience of the student body. When rail workers would intentionally block the tracks to keep students from getting on and off campus, the student body took a stand and created what we know today as The Hump. This campus has always been a second home. From day one during orientation, I was able to make important connections. I love connecting with fellow students who also want to pursue a career in the healthcare industry like myself. My professors help guide me while providing the resources and support to pursue my goals. With the skills I’ve learned at Southern, I know I’ll be an excellent physical therapist one day, helping others to improve. Southern University has a health center that provides primary care for students like me. As someone with lupus and other chronic illnesses, this is extremely important in my college journey. We also get several appointments a semester at the counseling center and have access to other mental health platforms. Southern has offered me many opportunities. My undergrad experience has motivated me to continue my education to ultimately earn my doctorate, and to continue to be a proud Jag and inspire others as much as I’ve been inspired. Back to you, Desi.

– That’s amazing. Southern has a beautiful history of advocacy and innovation and Irlan, you’re on the right track. Mental and physical health can often be put on the back burner when you’re rolling through college. It’s great that Southern has these resources readily available for all students. Thanks, Irlan.

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