Academic Preparation

Segment #5 from Western New England University


Okay, everyone. It is time to meet Dominick from Milford, Connecticut. He’s gonna tell you all about the academic preparation at WNE. Dominick came into college with clear ideas about his future career, but his time in the classroom helped him hone his vision and change course. Tell us all about it Dominick.


– Hey everyone, and Alex, thanks for the introduction. When going into college or university, you may or may not know what you wanna major in, and that’s totally okay. Choosing the right major for you may seem difficult, but at WNE, you don’t have to decide until your sophomore year. This leaves you plenty of time to explore your options, discover new possibilities and change your mind. I know I did. I started out as an undergraduate pharmacy major with aspirations of being a hospital pharmacist, but after several experiences, both in and out of the classroom, I knew that pharmaceutical research was more aligned with my goals and interests. I knew Western New England was the university for me because of how close knit the community was, which really gave me an opportunity to come outta my shell. I never imagine I would hold a leadership role on campus, but by the time I was a senior, I held three. As student ambassador lead, vice president of our theater club, The Stageless Players and an orientation group leader, I learned several different skills that I could take out with me into the real world, and these skills were transferable in the classroom as well. In my sophomore year, I took a microbiology course with a lab component. This hands on learning made me realize that I enjoyed working in a lab and wanted to pursue research. WNE gave me the flexibility and support to change my major from pharmacy to health sciences with a minor in chemistry so that I could build the academic foundation to confidently enter a master’s program. Because of my positive experiences here on campus, I’m staying with WNE to pursue my master of science in pharmaceutical sciences. During my time here, I grew in ways I never thought possible. That’s my story, back to you, Alex.


– Great job, Dominick. By keeping an open mind, dedicating yourself to your studies and participating in interdisciplinary learning, not only did you learn more about what fulfills you, you’re on the right path for an incredible career. We all are wishing you the best of luck in graduate school. Take care.

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