Engineering Excellence

Segment #4 from Western New England University


Okay everyone, we’re heading over to Sleith Hall, home of the College of Engineering, where we will meet Emily, a biomedical engineering major from East Granby, Connecticut. She’s gonna tell us all about how she is thriving in the action packed engineering program while balancing her athletic career. Emily, over to you.


– Thanks for the introduction, Alex. The philosophy of the College of Engineering is innovation and entrepreneurship from day one, which means that from your very first class, on your very first day, you’ll be thinking like an engineer. This fundamental mindset has helped me excel in engineering, and at WNE. The first semester engineering students are assigned a project that teaches the design process as well as technical engineering skills such as coding, circuitry and CAD, and this is only the beginning of a rich curriculum packed with hands on experience and in-depth instruction taught by faculty who are experts in their field. This summer, I’m interning at a local medical device company, which was recommended to me by one of my professors and faculty mentors. I can truly say that my education has fully prepared me for this opportunity. Students are also encouraged to participate in industry competitions. One of the most popular is the Baja SAE competition where students design, build, and race their own Baja car. I am also involved with athletics here at WNE. As a captain of the Women’s Cross Country team, I was worried about balancing the workload of a challenging major with the commitment of a collegiate sport. In fact, I almost didn’t run at all. My coach convinced me to give it a try and I am so happy he did. Both my professors and my coaches have been accommodating and being a student athlete has been one of the most rewarding parts of my college experience. The team has given me some of the best friends I could ask for and has taught me the importance of time management and prioritization. Going into my junior year, I am looking forward to learning new things, improving at my sport, and making new memories with my friends. I cannot wait to see what’s next. That’s my story Alex, take it away.


– Thank you, Emily. You really are getting the full agile mind education. You’re taking full advantage of every opportunity to support your career readiness while finding the time to excel in athletics. We can tell that you’re balancing it all and making it look really easy, thanks again.

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