Academic Research

Segment #5 from Southwest Baptist University


College students amaze me with their abilities, especially when it comes to scientific research. Corynn is gonna tell us more about how doing research as an undergraduate student, has influenced her career path. She is from right here in Bolivar, Missouri, and is majoring in biology with a biomedical concentration. Corynn, you are up.


– Thank you, Alex. Southwest Baptist University was an unexpected surprise in my life. My initial plan was to go to community college, to get my associates degree and then transfer to a four year university. I’ve always known I wanted to work in the sciences. So my courses being taught with excellence was very important to me. Between my junior and senior year. I had the incredible opportunity to be a part of Johns Hopkins summer research program in the neuroscience department. Aside from a crash course in neurobiology, I was struck by how well prepared I had been by SBU. I’ve also been a part of SBUs undergraduate research program. This group looks at everything from A & B and diversity to cortisol’s role in stress responses in calfs. My project specifically has been looking at vaccine’s efficiency within calfs. The particularly interesting part about this research is its relevance to both agriculture and biomedical sciences. Due to the similarities between human and bovine immune systems. It has been because of my education, professors and SBU research that my goal is to pursue a career in biomedical research and immunology. My time here has given the experience in graduate level research, opportunities to publish my research in a dozen publications and a solid foundation for my future. SBU equips its students academically, in the sciences will also successfully integrating faith. As I go into the next stage of my education on my route to becoming Dr. Knight, I can confidently say that I have been equipped both of my beliefs as a Christian, as well as my training as a scientist. And that’s my story Alex, back to you.


– What an impressive story Corynn, you have a great future ahead of you. While SBU focuses primarily on being a teaching university, students also have opportunities to conduct advanced research. This is especially helpful when applying to graduate schools in science related fields. Cheers Corynn.

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