Math and Computer Science

Segment #6 from Southwest Baptist University


Math, physic, computer science, our next student does them all. Hannah is from Forsyth, Missouri, and is majoring in math and physics with a minor in computer science. She also is doing an internship with a major research institution to compliment her work at SVU. Tell us all about it, Hannah.


– Thanks Alex. Hey everyone. Southwest Baptist University has always been a part of my life. I grew up coming here for church camp and my brother played baseball here. So it was an easy decision for me to attend here. And I’m so glad I did. During my first year at SBU, I was able to dive right into my math courses and get experience coding in two languages. That much exposure so early on, set me up for success and solidified my decision to study math. After my junior year, I was able to complete an undergraduate math research internship with UCLA, and I’ve been accepted as a fellow in MIT’s Summer Geometry Initiative for this summer. I wouldn’t have been able to have these experiences if SBU didn’t prepare us and encourage us to pursue these kinds of opportunities. The division of computing in mathematics emphasizes internships in preparing students for their next steps, whether that’s graduate school or industry careers. With a 100% job placement rating for math and computer science majors, SUB graduates have gone on to work for Fortune 500 companies like IBM, Hewlett Packard and even Microsoft. After I graduate, I plan to attend graduate school so I can continue to study math. The professors here are so passionate about their subjects. They’ve inspired me to become a math professor, so I can continue sharing my own passions with students. That’s my story. Back to you, Alex.


– I am so excited about your future Hannah. SBU cyber security and computer science programs have accreditations from ABET, a leading engineering and technology organization. Few Christian colleges have this accreditation that affirms the academic quality of the programs. Plus, students complete courses, such as math through the eyes of faith that explore how the Christian faith intersects with academic disciplines. Thanks again, Hannah.

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