
Segment #3 from Xavier University of Louisiana


Here to give us a look into the world of academics is Lauryn. She’s a sophomore studying psychology and is here to share how faculty, real world experience and global research opportunities are helping prepare her for a meaningful career and a purposeful life. The floor is yours, Lauryn.

Thanks, Desi. I’ve always considered myself to be a pretty artistic person. I love to dance, write, sing, and draw but by the time I was in eighth grade I knew I was gonna be a STEM major in college. The decision to leave my hometown was a scary one but branching out of my comfort zone was a risk worth taking. I chose XULA because they offer great science and pre-med programs and attending an HBCU meant I could flourish somewhere I felt like I belonged. The transition from distance learning in high school to all in-person classes at a university was definitely intimidating. There are times where I struggle but I have so many resources here at Xavier. My professors are always accessible and they welcome me with open arms with any question I may have. There’s also resources like tutoring sessions and resource centers for numerous subjects like english, math, and chemistry. The main resource I take advantage of is my classmates. I’ve met my closest friends here and I started making more connections with those in my major by forming study groups and attending tutoring sessions. We even joke about bringing blankets and snacks to the library when exam time comes around. While this school truly prioritizes academic excellence, it also ensures all students are able to obtain what is necessary for them to prosper in and outside of the classroom. Xavier provides students with internship opportunities, the ability to study abroad and engage in community service throughout the city of New Orleans. Xavier will not only support you but provide you with the resources you need to prosper, whether that be in the form of internships, tutoring, volunteerism, or workshops. I have so much fun working with my peers, bonding with my professors, and most of all being Xavierite. Take it away Desi.

Thanks for sharing, Lauryn. It’s great that you can utilize faculty and friends to grow both in and out of the classroom and snacks in the library sounds like a great way to study. Thanks again. 


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