Academics & Nursing

Segment #9 from Saint Peter's University


Let’s head on over to meet Tanesha, a nursing student in the accelerated program. Tanesha will tell us exactly what it means to take part in an accelerated program, and why it drew her to St. Peter’s University. Tanesha, take it away.


– Thanks, Alex. Hi everyone, I’m an accelerated nursing student at St. Peter’s University, and I’m so excited to be in my final semester of nursing school, and it’s been quite the journey, but one well worth it. This particular nursing program is designed for students that already have a bachelor’s degree, but are looking to obtain a Bachelor’s of Science in the field of nursing. What drew me to the program was the affordability and the fast-paced 15-month curriculum. When I started my first semester, I felt overwhelmed by the thought of how much I had to learn, along with the fear of falling short when delivering quality patient care. Thankfully, I had the support of my professors and my amazing cohort to encourage me and practice my skills, whether it was in our skills lab or in the clinical setting. As the program progressed, my knowledge base grew. The more I learned, the easier it became for me to bridge a gap between what I read in the textbooks, and what I saw during my clinical rotations. It struck me one day as I sat in my doctor’s office for my recent annual physical, and I was fully aware of all the procedures and techniques that my nurse was using. From listening to my heart and lung sounds, to taking vitals, and even being cognizant of positions that could alter my blood pressure readings, like crossing my legs. These are all things I never thought about prior to nursing school. I’m grateful that St. Peter’s provides a hands-on learning environment for students to develop their skills. I can truly say that this program has helped me develop a newfound perspective on my personal health, and the knowledge that I now have as a future health professional. Back to you, Alex.


– Tanesha, it is wild to hear the story of how you have advanced through this amazing program so far. Next time I’m feelin’ a cold coming on, I know exactly who to call, thank you so much for sharing your story.

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