
Segment #9 from Carson-Newman University


Alex. Between classes, athletics and working on campus, our next student Kirby stays plenty busy. He’s a religion major and a member of the track team. As you will hear, Kirby wasn’t sure he could afford a private university, but through a variety of scholarships and Carson-Newman’s work study program, Kirby has seen his dream of being a university graduate coming true.


– Thanks Alex. Hey, y’all when searching for colleges, I wanted to find a school that reflected my Christian faith had an athletic program with which I could be involved, And most importantly, was affordable. I prayed that God would lead me to the university that could help me reach all three factors that I found important in my college search process. After I was accepted to Carson-Newman, the amount of scholarships available to me was a clear sign that this is where I was meant to be. With scholarships as a track athlete, and in the honors program, I’ve been able to meet a lot of different people and be involved in a lot of different kinds of activities. You may think it difficult to balance practices and competitions with the large academic workload that Honor’s demands, but here at Carson-Newman, the Carson-Newman Academic Advising Team has helped me with strategies to manage my time more efficiently. Carson-Newman also offers work study positions. I had the opportunity to work in the Admissions Department, where I was able to give campus tours to students and their families. The work-study positions are designed to be highly flexible in order to work around your busy academic schedule. They help you get involved on campus, meet new people, and most importantly, help pay for college, all at the same time, These scholarships help make college a reality for me, and they can for you too. Carson-Newman strives to offer an affordable Christ-centered education to everyone. Carson-Newsman has a variety of scholarships, including sports, honors, merit, art, music, forensics, and even community service. In fact, over 96% of our students receive some form of financial aid. No matter your major or interest, Carson-Newman has a scholarship for everyone. I know that Carson-Newman cares about my future and they are giving me the opportunity to succeed. What’s up next, Alex?


– Did you all hear what Kirby just said? More than 96% of Carson-Newman students receive some form of financial aid. That is amazing! That’s just one more example of the staff at Carson-Newman working to make a university education accessible to just about anyone. Thanks again for taking the time with us, Kirby. That was amazing.

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