
Segment #8 from Carson-Newman University


Okay. Everyone let’s meet Alex. He’s not only a member of Carson-Newman’s men’s soccer team, but this junior is majoring in finance and economics. Alex is going to talk to us about the incredible opportunities he’s had to get a hands-on experience in the business program. And he’s going to share a unique program that gives students valuable investment experience. Okay, Alex, it’s all yours.


– Hey everyone. I’m a junior here at Carson-Newman and on the men’s soccer team. When I began my college search, I primarily based my decision off where I could play. But after being here for a few years, I’ve realized that there’s so many more opportunities than just soccer. Since being at Carson-Newman for the past two years, I’ve been able to connect with many teammates, professors, and peers that have helped me grow educationally and professionally. With Carson-Newman being a smaller Christian school, it allows our professors and advisors to take a more personalized approach to helping us reach our full potential, both inside and outside of the classroom. Our business program has a state-of-the-art building and faculty with real-world experience to help students succeed. Our McLean Investment Center allows students to work with a student managed investment fund. We work with professors to manage the fund and gain valuable investing experience. This personal approach has helped me keep my education and grades on track, but it has also allowed me to grow and take advantage of opportunities outside of the classroom, such as work and internship options. As a matter of fact, my recent internship with Northwestern Mutual will really contribute to my goal of becoming a financial advisor. And Carson Newman has a great MBA program, which I planned to enter after I finish my undergraduate degree. Be assured that whatever major you choose you can count on being prepared for the real world and enjoying your experience along the way. After being here at Carson-Newman, I can tell you there’s no place that I’d rather be. Carson-Newman has provided me with opportunities that I could not have imagined having as a college student. Okay. Back to you, Alex.


– Alex, thanks for sharing your experience as a business student here at Carson-Newman and all the exciting opportunities you have received here. Oh, and good luck getting your MBA. Thanks again.

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