
Segment #4 from The Catholic University of America


It’s time to meet Nathan. Nathan hales from Stoneham, Massachusetts. He’s a first year honor student majoring in biomedical engineering, and he’s on the pre-med track. He is also an esteemed athlete, a swimmer. Let’s dive in with Nathan to learn all about athletics at Catholic University. Take it away, Nathan.


– Thanks, Alex. I came to the Catholic University of America to get an education that’s founded in faith. In addition to being a biomedical engineering student in the honors program, I’m also on the men’s CUA swim and dive team. Being a student athlete has taught me many amazing skills like time management and leadership. I’m a part of the 25% of the undergraduate student body who participates in a varsity sport, and many of our teams make it to the national championship each year. As a top division three athletic institution, Catholic University attracts student athletes who value the opportunity to compete in a sport they love in college. Here at Catholic U, there’s an emphasis on athletics, but we know that we are students first. Many of the faculty, staff, students, and alumni come to our events each week to support us and the community. Our coaches help us to achieve not only our athletic goals, but our academic goals as well. Being a student athlete is great at Catholic U. Varsity, club, intramural, e-sports, we have it all here. Another great thing about being a student athlete is the friends you’ll instantly make. You’ll meet people from across all fields of study, and most won’t even be in your year. The older kids on your teams are a great resource to talk to when you have questions or concerns about your classes or your schedule. Here at Catholic University, there’s an emphasis not only about what you can learn in the classroom, but how you can use those skills in real life. Being an athlete teaches you many skills that you can’t learn in the lecture hall. Whatever your major, sport, or passion, here, you will not only gain great experience, but you’ll be among a group of your peers who are trying to make everything and everyone around them better every day. That’s all for me. Back to you, Alex, and go Cards. 


Thank you, Nathan. So many varsity, intramural, and other athletic opportunities here at Catholic University. That was awesome. Take care.

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