Service & Campus Activities

Segment #3 from The Catholic University of America


Okay, let’s meet Maddy. She’s a senior English major from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania pursuing minors in drama and media studies, and somehow she still finds time to serve her community on and off campus. Maddy was drawn to Catholic University for the opportunities it would open up for her, the rigorous academics, and an immediate sense of belonging. Maddy, please take it away.


– Thanks, Alex. I scoped out many options in DC, but Catholic U’s capacity for both individualized attention and expansive connections really stood out to me, and I especially loved its tangible sense of genuineness. I’m an English major, minoring in both drama and media studies. Catholic U lives up to its Catholic values of service and community through so many different aspects of campus life. I have had the pleasure of being involved with many programs that put these core principles into practice. Through Friday night house events and weekly service opportunities like homeless food runs, I have seen firsthand how campus ministry merges faith with friendship, fellowship, and fun, while serving those in the community. Every year, nearly 80 students spend their spring or summer break serving others on mission trips across the country and the world. I am also currently involved with the Office of Campus Activities, OCA, where I help students become more involved. One aspect of OCA is that we get to plan and execute first year orientation, and this year I served as an orientation student coordinator. In this role, I have developed a fierce appreciation for connecting faculty with students, and the importance of planning, execution, and improvement of our many student-led clubs and events. Warm, welcoming, wide ranging, these are my go-to words when describing Catholic University and the experiences I’ve had with service and student involvement. The friendships and connections that I have made make me feel like I am part of a community where I can confidently say that I am not just another number. College is a fundamental chapter of any person’s life, and Catholic U has dynamically molded my own. Beyond my academics, resume, and even involvement, I am most proud of self-growth which continually contributes to the best, most authentic version of myself. That’s a snapshot of me. Back to you, Alex. 


Wow, thank you, Maddy. What a spirit of service. We can’t wait to see what you do next. Your journey as a person and as a student is so inspiring, and really speaks to the quality of the people and the programs here at Catholic University. Take care, Maddy.

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