Career and Technical Education

Segment #7 from Northwest Florida State College


Let’s hear from Brad, a welding graduate who returned as an instructor at NWFSC. Brad is gonna share about his passion that turned into his teaching career, as well as the college’s different education options that prepare students to enter the workforce. Take it away, Brad.

– Hey, everyone. How’s it going? After my time serving in the military, I still wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted to do for a living. Northwest Florida State College really helped me discover my passion. Starting college again was a little intimidating to be honest, but the Northwest Florida’s faculty and staff were extremely helpful in guiding me in the right direction. Northwest Florida State College Veterans and Military Success Center helped me get the most out of my benefits towards completing my certificate in basic welding technology, and then advanced welding technology. The Welding program at Northwest Florida State College gives you a skillset that prepares you for what is expected of a welder when out in the world. It treats each day as if you’re working on a job site, in the field, or at a fabrication shop. The Welding program teaches not just what it means to weld something, but reaches further into all the different types of welding processes in-depth, and learn how and when to use each method. Just like welding, the college’s Workforce Development program covers all sorts of career and technical education options. Whether you’re interested in hands-on work with typical trades, have a passion for serving and protecting your community, or anything in between, there is something here for everyone. Regardless of which program it is, the faculty and staff at Northwest Florida State College are here to help students succeed. My experience with the Welding program has now given me a whole new point of view and experience on its own. I went from being a student in these very boots to teaching what I love doing. It’s an honor to inspire and help new aspiring welders grow the skillset needed to thrive in this high-demand trade skill. Back to you, Alex.

– Brad, it’s awesome learning about your experience on both sides of the classroom. It’s great to see how many options are offered for students who wanna enter the workforce equipped with the tools they need to succeed. That was awesome, thanks again.

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