Customize Your Education

Segment #8 from Western New England University


Let’s hear from Sam and how she’s taking charge of her own education at WNE by customizing her experience to fit her passion and goals. She’s a marketing, communication and advertising major interested in the entertainment industry, and she is already making her mark. Let’s head over to Sam.


– Thanks, Alex. Hi, everyone. From a young age, I knew I was going to work in entertainment from community theater to working in professional settings to interning and entertainment, I dreamed of fulfilling myself as an artist. WNE is a place that values learning, agility and creativity. I get to customize my academic experience and indulge in my creativity while learning about entertainment and business. From behind the curtain, I found so many ways to explore avenues in marketing and entertainment. My entertainment management professor provided me with the opportunity to attend the Television Academy’s Virtual College Summit where I networked with fellow artists and attended panels hosted by industry professionals. In a marketing class, I got to work with engineering students to market a product that they created. My team designed a remote to assist people with disabilities. I also work as a web production assistant with WNE’s marketing office, where I conduct social media research and create content. As a first year student, I was even on the executive board as chair with special events for our annual concert spring event. This year, we hosted Girlfriends 303 and Olivia O’Brien. This taste of entertainment management helped teach me how to plan and advertise an event, collaborate in leadership settings, communicate with third parties, and most importantly, ensure the audience has fun. The skills I’ve learned from these opportunities helps land me an internship with an event and talent booking agency. I get to work on outreach and planning for the artists and events that we represent. Here, I get hands on experience under talented professionals learning through experience, working on the agency side of entertainment. Because WNE empowers me to pursue my passion and customize my education, I know I will have many more of these opportunities. Cut, that’s a wrap for me and action, Alex.


– Thank you, Sam. You’re doing some really cool things in writing your own ticket to Hollywood. At WNE, each student is empowered to make their education work for them and what they want in their lives. The future is truly in your hands at WNE. Thanks again, Sam.

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