Engineer a Future You’ll Love

Segment #14 from University of Missouri


Okay, now we’re heading over to meet Cedric. He’s a senior studying information technology while minoring in computer science. He’s gonna share how Mizzou Engineering helps students combine technical engineering know-how with real world opportunities to develop skills you can’t get anywhere else. Take it away, Cedric.

Thanks for the introduction, Alex. Growing up, I was drawn to technology. Education was extremely important to me and my mom always found a way to challenge me both academically and socially. As I grew older, I got into coding so it was of no surprise to anyone that I would find my home here at Mizzou Engineering. Mizzou specializes in educating engineering leaders who are driven by curiosity, wonder, and a desire to make the world a better place. I’ve had the chance to learn from the best and work with some of the most cutting edge technologies while also finding creative ways to express myself through the arts. In just three years, I’ve done undergraduate research, produced videos that have played in front of packed stadiums, and studied photogrammetry over 4,000 miles away in the heart of Dublin, Ireland, and that’s not to mention the time I helped lead Spot the robot dog through a halftime show the world will never forget. It’s once in a lifetime opportunities like these that set Mizzou Engineering apart. I love that I get the chance to collaborate with other students and faculty across campus to gain experiences that compliments my in-class coursework. Looking back to when I first stepped on the campus, I had no idea the opportunities that would be available to me. I’ve flown halfway across the globe, entertained crowds, and worked with some of the most renowned researchers in the world, and my story has just begun. Mizzou Engineering has given me all the tools I need to go into the real world with a prestigious degree and a full head of steam. But that’s enough about my life. Back to you, Alex.

What a remarkable story, Cedric. The experiences you’ve had with research, innovation, and collaboration outside the classroom are truly what set Mizzou Engineering apart. It’s so impressive to see how much you’ve been able to accomplish during your time at Mizzou. Well done, my friend. 

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