First-Gen, But Not the Last

Segment #8 from Cerritos College


The first in her family to go to college, Taima was able to excel when she arrived to Cerritos College. Being the first is never easy. But at Cerritos, all of the resources for first generation students made the difference in Taima’s college journey. Let’s hear Taima’s story.


– Thanks for the introduction, Alex. Education has always been at the top of my priority since I was young. When life and work slowed down due to COVID, after I graduated high school, I just knew I had to go to Cerritos College because of their amazing atmosphere, caring professors, and many options for online and flexible courses. As a first generation college student, I’m the first in my family to go to college. Cerritos made signing up for classes a breeze. I found tons of support from my counselors, professors, and peers on which classes I should take and how I could best achieve my goals. I also found tremendous support through the First Generation Falcons Club. The club regularly hosts seminars informing us of things first time students may need to know, like how to fill out financial aid forms, how to apply to universities, write personal statements, and even how to write resumes. We also have some of the most desirable universities come by to advise our students on how to best be accepted to their top ranking schools. Cerritos College also offers many opportunities for student involvement and leadership. The associated students of Cerritos College, or ASCC, works hard to serve all students on campus and puts a lot of thought and care into writing policies and planning initiatives that affect students the most. In the last year, I designed a system that allows ASCC to hear more student voices and concerns while making contact with student representatives more accessible to everyone. After my time at Cerritos College, I planned a transfer to a big name university, such as UCLA, well equipped with the knowledge I’ve gained from my involvement in student government and the First Gen Falcons Club. I hope you will consider Cerritos College if you’re looking for a university that really puts students first. Now, back over to you, Alex


– Taima, you started off new and a bit unsure about your path. But after joining student government and staying active on campus, you really found your place at Cerritos. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

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